Fell off the weight loss train this last week! Help!

So last week I fell off and I mean bad. I did get a workout in almost everyday. What I stuck in my pie hole though? Wow is all I can say. Instead of beating myself up though I decided to just take a break from the counting calories and all the stress of stepping on a scale everyday afraid that all my weight came back in one day. began this journey in January and have lost a tottal of 20lbs since then. I'm scared though tomorrow I plan to get back to the routine but all the other times I tried to lose weight this is about the time I gave up. I dont want to give up this time so i'm hoping that there are people out there that will want to add me and help me stay motivated and I will do the same for you. Hope to here from some of you soon!!!!!


  • angelicprettyy
    Sure, add me! What do you do when you fall off the horse? You get back on again. :) What matters is that you're trying now, even if you stopped before. Just keep on going and get back on that horse- I know you can do it!
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    I don't suggest stopping counting calories. Stop weighing yourself if that's added stress, but do continue to count.

    What you need to realize is that one bad day, week, or month is not the end of anything. It's one chapter on your way to a healthier life. Just be honest with yourself and count the calories. If you go over, do NOT beat yourself up. Accept that you are human, and simply take it one day at a time. I guarantee most people have times where they go over, and yes even for a whole week.

    And just because you don't count the calories here, or elsewhere, does not mean they don't count.

    I just mean, honesty with yourself (including holding yourself accountable) and accepting that you are human are the two biggest lessons I think should be taken away from this.

    And congratulations on your achievement so far :) That's great!
  • lmmathis86
    lmmathis86 Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you and yes you are correct i should not of stopped counting. Tomorrow is day 1 of me getting back in the swings again. Thank you for taking time to read my post.