Fitness Tech Gadgets

An article on Fitness Tech Gadgets

Do people prefer FitBit One over flex or force?


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Fitbit recalled the Force. It causes skin irritation.

    I have two activity trackers: Fitbit Flex & Jawbone UP24. Activity trackers show your TDEE—way more accurately than any online calculator. And they inspire me to move more. If I get home & see I'm thisclose to goal, I'll walk around the block. Every little bit adds up.
  • babsabs2011
    babsabs2011 Posts: 46 Member
    Do you prefer the Fitbit Flex or Jawbone UP24? I'm looking at getting an activity tracker and am torn between those two!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If I had to choose, I'd pick the UP24. The app is way better—it gives you guided challenges, like go to bed at x o'clock, or drink 8 glasses of water today. It has a customizable idle alert. Mine buzzes between 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. if I sit still for an hour.

    UP & Fitbit both sync with MFP, but Fitbit has more partner apps. I bought the Flex for an employee fitness program at work—just so I could participate without having to log my steps & active minutes every day.

    And Fitbit makes non-band activity trackers that clip to your clothing. Some people can't wear an UP or Flex at work.

    Edited to add that the Fitbit Zip is only $60. The money is a deal breaker for some people.
  • scrubhatlady
    Wondering what to buy myself. My daughter uses the FitBit One and loves it. Leaning to that one based on her comments.