Looking for people like me!

Hey everyone,

So it's time for a different approach. For about 2 months, I have worked really hard to watch what I eat, exercise at least 3 times a week, and .... Nothing! Not one pound! My husband thinks it's probably that I'm older now (33) and it just won't be easy. So I figured its time to hold myself accountable and trying this.
I do not like fad diets. I've been around this merry go round enough to know that you can lose weight by understanding portion control and the right foods and right amount of calories. I can't stand starving! I love food to much.

I work in an office and my job has been pretty stressful the past year (should be getting better now). People are always brining junk food to the office - sweets and bad things, so that didn't help the stress or the stress eating or my natural sweet tooth. Since I took this sitting down office job, I've gained over 20 lbs (and I wasn't even loving my old weight but it looks a lot better than where I'm at now!).
About me - I'm married with a daughter (she's 12 and autistic). I'm a tom boy, a programmer, a Sci fy junky, and nerd. I work full time and go to school full time online, AND still run the household. I love coffee (although I've cut down to 1 cup a day the past 6 months) and wine (which I gave up almost completely now). I have been vaping instead of smoking for the past 2 years. And I haven't had a soda in about a year.
I'd like to meet and share with others and hopefully start chipping away at my goal. I refuse to believe that my age is going to be a barrier. Hope to meet others like me! :)


  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    well ... age has absolutely nothing to do with it ... if I was you I would work out 5-6 days a week for at least 30 minutes ... there are a ton of programs out there that can fit that schedule ... check my profile , I'm older than you with a similar job

    feel free to add me if you want
  • I am 36 in a position about the same as you. When I was 33 I was diagnosed with a Thyroid issue. I am loosing weight finally after 3 years and several doctors visits. You can add me if you want to.
  • Jeanne130LBS
    Jeanne130LBS Posts: 50 Member
    I am 72 and as long as I do my 45 min brisk walk and log every thing I eat and do not eat back more than 1/2 of my exercise earned calories, I continue to lose about 1 lb per week. I agree that it is not as easy as when I was 40, but then nothing is. Good luck in your journey. this is a great place to start. :wink:
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    42 here, not a real active job (at this moment). I am starting to lose weight now and get my eating the way it's supposed to be to combat high blood pressure and diabetes. Age doesn't have to be a barrier. A combination of physical activity, the right eating and the right mindset is all you need. And of course, a good cheering section. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I come with my own pom poms :laugh:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    First of all, 33 is NOT old and don't you dare let anyone tell you t hat it is lol.

    To lose weight, you need to find the proper deficit that suits your body and make sure to eat your exercise calories back so you don't end up binging later.

    You need to try different things to see what deficit is right for you.

    Also, please read:

  • I am 46 and have struggled with weight all my life. I have joined because I want to learn to eat better. My diary is open to all friends.

    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend.
  • mikegerber1
    mikegerber1 Posts: 38 Member
    age really hasn't been a problem for me... just my self control and motivation. A few years ago, I lost 79 lbs and was feeling great. didn't really know how I did it, just followed a few doctors instructions and got a lot more exercise than I did sitting in my recliner. I've been using this site for almost a month and I'm actually putting numbers to what I'm doing and it makes sense. I finally go my act together in November I weighed at the doctor's at 363 so I had gained back all I had lost plus a few. I've been doing what I did before and the weight seems to be coming off pretty consistant, and logging everything I eat and the exercise I do has helped. I'm at 316 now. a couple quick words of advice. watch your portions, take smaller bites, chew (and enjoy) your food more. give yourself a few minutes before going back for more... drink lots of water.... by the way, !'m 46
  • devilanne
    devilanne Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I really aim to exercise about 4-5 times a week, but if everything hits the fan I make myself do 3.
    Since I've been drinking my water and no sodas for ages, I've also implemented a new rule not to eat past 8 o'clock (about 3 hours before I go to sleep). Problem is, about 9-930 when my daughter's in bed and I'm curled up watching tv is when something taps me on the shoulder and says "EAT ME". How important do folks think this rule is and how hard should I stick to it? My usual nighttime snack is a small bowl of cereal (something like special k chocolate delight and 60 cal almond milk).
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I really aim to exercise about 4-5 times a week, but if everything hits the fan I make myself do 3.
    Since I've been drinking my water and no sodas for ages, I've also implemented a new rule not to eat past 8 o'clock (about 3 hours before I go to sleep). Problem is, about 9-930 when my daughter's in bed and I'm curled up watching tv is when something taps me on the shoulder and says "EAT ME". How important do folks think this rule is and how hard should I stick to it? My usual nighttime snack is a small bowl of cereal (something like special k chocolate delight and 60 cal almond milk).

    Nope it doesn't matter a jot what time you eat.


    *Read this :bigsmile:
  • mikegerber1
    mikegerber1 Posts: 38 Member
    I used to close my kitchen at 7:00. I just learned from weight watchers, this rule is a myth. It will help with digestion if you have any issues with that, but calories are calories whenever you eat them. track your food, try to be as accurate with your potion size (weigh your food if you have to) and stay in a deficit and you should be ok.
  • emilygus
    emilygus Posts: 8
    Hi devilanne,
    I am reading through a book called "Eat to Live" by Dr John Fuhrman. I've only been following it for a week and have already seen some great results. Basically his idea is following the "Eat Clean" idea: eat a ton of fruits and vegetables (almost without any limitation, "stuff yourself to good health" haha), and cut out the high fat/oil/sugar foods. He has a ton of great info and research based reasons for cutting down/out animal products, processed foods like cheese, and refined grains, that is really well explained. It has really helped me understand better exactly WHY I crave the foods that are so bad for me, as well as giving really insightful ways to eat better.
    I am following the vegan/vegetarian plan because that's me, but he has a lot of meal planning that isn't as strict as mine and it's not a requirement to go that far. He does say to limit animal foods as much as possible (once or twice a week) and recommends cutting out dairy, etc. However, because he spends so much of the book explaining and backing up his reasoning for this with real scientific studies and research it makes it a lot easier to understand why you should and what you can do to change.
    It's definitely not a DIET, but a lifestyle change, as any true weightloss program should be. You don't want to be counting calories for the rest of your life, and what's so awesome about his plan is that counting calories isn't a part of it. Just follow his recepies until you understand the changes and then eat all of the food that fits into the plan as you want. I have literally not been hungry so far because you fill up on so much fibrous foods that help you feel full (tons of vegetables!).
    I feel like I've just done a total plug for this, but I honestly wouldn't recommend something that isn't working for me! I do work out, but not every day yet, I am working up to that, but knew that I had to get my nutrition under control before that would help me at all :)
    Message me or friend me if you want!
  • emilygus
    emilygus Posts: 8
    I totally mis-entered that name ;) it's Dr. Joel Fuhrman, NOT John
  • devilanne
    devilanne Posts: 8 Member
    I want to thank everyone for their feedback. So glad to here the nighttime eating rule is a myth (down with all the myths!). Of course I would pick the week we need groceries to get serious about this, so my diary this week doesn't have as many fruits and veggies as I typically have right have sticking the house. But I've lost 5 lbs since starting so I'm getting my confidence back. Yes I know that's probably water weight and it will slow down, but I'm totally stoked.

    I used to use a similar app that had a huge resource of foods that you could search for and add. But it became cumbersome to search for stuff all the time (this was 7 years ago), I'm really loving the scanner with this thing.