I binged today, what do I do? Just kidding!

Though I really did binge today, I learned something wonderful about myself in the process : )
I've been involved in my healthier lifestyle for about 2 months now. I was always an emotional eater...loved food and would make any excuse to eat, was always starving, and never passed up the opportunity to indulge in the worst possible food choices. I was diagnosed with diabetes 10 years ago and could never get it under control. Exercise? Hell no! I wasn't going to move when just sitting still made me sweat my butt off! Yes, it was my fault, and I didn't care enough to do anything about it but cry and keep eating.
So Feb. 9th, I don't know what happened to me but my thought process was different. I just woke up and looked in the mirror and said "f@#k this! I'm not living this way anymore!" It was super hard to make changes, but I did, and I was getting through it. I found myself able to have a different relationship with food - no longer as a best friend, but as fuel for my body. I walk and even attempt to jog 4-5 miles per day, 6 days a week. I got a job SPECIFICALLY because I'd have to move my body at least 3 miles per day!
So on to the binge! We went to Busch Gardens today and had dining passes (we spent the whole day...After weighing and measuring every single bit of food for the past 2 months, I portioned light and overestimated calories, but my intentions were good). My blood sugars have been very low for the past few weeks, and I thought that I'd go ahead and taste everything I wanted to today!
Well surprise! It all tasted like *kitten*. I felt so freaking sick and told my fiancee that we needed to leave so I could go home and test my sugar, I was sure it was high because I felt so bad. We rushed home, I tested, and my sugar was LOW. I had this epiphany moment and was so grateful to realize that these foods I used to DEPEND on were absolute POISON! Food can make you sick, and as an obsessive compulsive eater I blamed everything in my environment BUT my own choices.
Thank you for bearing with my long winded story here...and thank you for giving me a forum where I could be proud of my success. I found out today that I beat my food addiction - the addiction didn't beat me : )


  • kmkgurl
    kmkgurl Posts: 321 Member
    whoo :D awesome. I had a moment where I wanted some junk food so bad I ate it and it didn't taste as good as I remembered lol. its crazy how changing how you eat can make such a impact.
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    Congratulations! Changing how you feel about food is a huge success. I've also noticed that after eating healthier foods for awhile, much of the "junk" I used to love just doesn't taste good any more.
  • For a second when it happened, it felt like I broke up with a lifelong friend...then I was like jumping for joy because I realized "I DID IT!!" The food doesn't control me anymore! Woo hoo!
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