Really hungry at the office

Just wondering if anyone else has this issue.

During the weekend i can go pretty much all day with only my breakfast, lunch and dinner and not feel hungry.
But during the week while I am at work I am pretty much always hungry, I work at an office on the computer all day.
Every break I have i have to really fight the urge to get something to eat. Usually if i cave i try to get something low in calories, but options are pretty limited.


  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    Bring some low cal snacks from home and hide your wallet so you can't go to the vending machines. Luckily for me the vending machines are in an area where I need my harsh at and boots so I'm too lazy to get anything from them. I also chew a lot of gum and drink a lot of water to keep me from munching.
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    I use to have this problem and I may still do. I had two problems. First by afternoon I would be hungry and could end up with a bad headache and nausea and I would want to eat. Eating did help but recently with how I've been eating I'm not experiencing this issue.

    I was also always watching the clock for lunch time to eat again.

    I think I had this issue more when I was eating empty carbs and the feeling might have been a blood sugar drop but now I'm avoiding empty carbs, and eating more protein and that seems to work.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    Me too...ugh it's awful...I just drink a ton of water and have carrots on hand. I also only allow myself to eat lunch at a specific time....I have low calorie bread in the freezer and will sometimes eat dry toast because normlally I'm always craving carbs, the bread stops me from getting chips.

    Water is the big one for me though....after a while I've gotten used to it...
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I did but I think it was more out of boredom/stress/habit for me. Take note of when you're getting hungry and bring low cal snacks to fight it off. I noticed different things kept me fuller longer as well.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Look for a new job ..
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    It sounds like boredom more than anything. If you have a break take it as an opportunity to stretch your legs, lunctime walks etc - or lunchtime workout such as running, fitness class if you can.

    Like some others have said before - take some low calorie snacks into the office. Fruit, carrot sticks, chewing gum etc to use as a distraction.

    Also make sure that your lunches and breakfasts are filling enough for you.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Sounds like boredom/habit to me, buddy.

    Make to do lists and be as productive as possible. Drink a TON of water - you'll need to pee every hour or so and that get up and walk to the loo might be the break in the hour you need.

    If you really want to snack, try and make it nutritious - chopped fruit, SMALL handful of nuts, wasabi peas, sunflower seeds, things like that. I really recommend seeds - full of protein (and yes fat, but dont eat the whole bag) and a tablespoon full should fill you up for a good few hours.

    Or maybe a sugar free lollipop, if you feel the absolute need.

    I used to have this - it's a habit which can turn into a behavioural problem. It's just learning to manage that behaviour. You'll be fine, buddy.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Have a handful of peanuts in the morning and have a banana a bit later on. Job done.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    When I'm bored at work, I make sure to just drink more water (coffee if I'm feeling tired). I also make sure to bring snacks that fit into my day since I've found I need to eat at least every 3 hours during the day.
  • votkuhr
    votkuhr Posts: 276 Member
    Do you have easy access to water? As in, it’s just within reach? I work a desk job too, but I always have a mug of lemon water to my left and I just sip all day. I finish about 1.5 – 2 L of water in the office from 9 AM – 6 PM. That helps me keep full up.

    Could it also be procrastination? :tongue: I realized that if I wanted to take some time off work, I used to just go to the pantry or search for a snack to “satisfy my cravings”. Turns out, there’s no real craving but I just wanted to not work on things.
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    I try not to bring 'snacks' to the office - as I find I will eat them just because they are there, regardless of whether I am hungry. I do always have a 1 lire bottle of water on my desk, partially because I want to increase my water intake, and also because it helps when I think I'm hungry.

    I also make smoothies with my nutri bullet. Most days I have a chocolate banana smoothie with me to sip during the morning - keeps me full until lunch time. I just use unsweetened almond milk, 1 banana, fat free vanilla yogurt & a little cocoa powder - very tasty & comes in at around 150-200 cals.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    See I am the other way around - During the week in the office... Im good......... Weekends... Im not!!!

    I would say up your protein intake, & drink more water as you could be thirsty!!

    Every break try and drink some more water... if you are actually hungry...?

    Pack some healthy snacks...!

    Raw cut carrots
    Slices of Ham
    Chopped celery with humus
    Chicken pieces
    Turkey slices
    Boiled eggs
    Greek Yoghurt
    Peanut butter.

    Hope this helps.... Nibble on them : )
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    What ar you eating for lunch? I do a 3 protein salad box - generally full fat cottage cheese, a boiled egg and some meat with loads and lodas of salad. Comes in around 400 calories but fills me up to bursting and keeps me going through the afternoon.

    My hunger seems to be mainly solved by lovely, lovely protein :happy: and I've stopped eating low fat anything. Early days for me but it seems to be working. Good luck!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Same problem here! I agree that it has more to do with boredom than hunger, because I'm eating about 2000 calories a day. The problem is, my stomach actually growls out loud to the point that my officemate says "Time to eat again?" LOL! She's very nice about it but it embarrasses me to no end. I sometimes think it has to do with being in a seated position, allowing the stomach to fold into itself or something. Who knows. I try to get up and take a quick walk, drink water, and eat the snacks I packed for the day.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    I have this same problem. I really believe its due to boredom more than anything else. I will snack on something like pistachios or hard boiled eggs, but I'm really trying to lower the amount of snacking I do. I have noticed that drinking hot tea or coffee helps with the cravings. Perhaps you could try drinking something warm as well?

    Sometimes I'll go into the faculty lounge and do some lunges, squats, etc. for a few minutes to help with the boredom. Gets me moving and seems to help with cravings as well.
  • Kaylee_F93
    Same here. before I used myfitnesspal I would eat literally allll day. But now I drink a lot of water, and when I get hunger I eat a handful of peanuts or an organic granola bar. :)
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Same here, but if I'm honest, it's more out of boredom than hunger.
    Plenty of work to do, but all at the same desk, staring at the same computer screen, all day long. At home there's plenty to do obviously and all the distraction takes my focus away from food/eating.

    So, as long as I keep reminding myself I'm not actually really hungry, that I'm just looking for a distraction, I'll be fine.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Do you know your BMR and TDEE?

    Are you eating enough to offset any exercises you might be doing?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'd also guess boredom/stress eating. I used to be like this too and catch myself once in a while thinking those old thoughts.

    OP, if you're actually hungry, you may just need to eat more calories, or more filling foods (lean proteins, healthy fats). As others suggested, pack healthy snacks or bring a bunch in a keep them at our desk. I bring a bunch of things with me every day because I'm a grazer and need to have something to nosh on when the mood hits. At least packing them, I know they're healthy and will fit in my calories. I also keep a box of instant oatmeal (Kashi honey cinnamon - yum!) and some 100 cal packs of almonds and sometimes 100 cal packs of popcorn. Tried keeping a big tub of trail mix in there but it was too yummy and I couldn't stay away - that was a rough few weeks! :)

    Good luck!
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    YES. I have this problem & I freaking HATE it. On the weekend when I'm running around and more active and my brain is generally more stimulated, I don't have nearly the problems I have at the office. Once I'm sitting at my desk it's like I'm just starving all the time. I think it's just because it's a slower pace and it's been such a bad habit for so long.

    My strategies are, like you said, low cal snacks every 1.5 hours. I plan in advance so I have lots of food around. I also use diet soda & hot tea. Chugging water helps, but it's a short term fix. I keep hardboiled eggs, apples, and veggies in the work fridge and 100-cal almond packs in my drawer. 180 cal healthy choice soups. I carry a huge bag of food with me every monday, hehe.

    I think the fact that youre thinking about it and talking about it will help. Just keep finding ways to beat it and stay busy!

    Edit; Also - walking! Sometimes I feel like I'm starving, I jump up and take a brisk walk up & down the hallway and it goes away! It was really just me looking for stimulation, not food.