How long should I be in the gym?

I notice when i keep track of time I get tired faster and un motivated. How should i approuch going to the gym?


  • Casistrophic
    Casistrophic Posts: 26 Member
    If you have a smartphone and a Netflix account, watching a favorite show will really help the time not seem as though it is crawling by. Listening to music obviously helps, as does reading if you have a book or a Kindle. It might be helpful to cover up the clock on the treadmill/not look at the time and just set a timer for when you are done.
  • amg120
    amg120 Posts: 80 Member
    I read somewhere (I forget where now) that you should go to the gym even if you don't feel like going and say that you're going for 15 minutes and if you still feel bad after those 15 minutes you can leave.

    The idea was that you're probably not going to leave after 15 minutes. It's just about tricking yourself to getting to the gym and starting.

    I know personally sometimes I'll feel bad and tell myself I can stop at 20 or 30, but I almost always just finish because I keep pushing the time further.
  • enasab111
    What helps me are those little challenges you can do. There are ones for treadmills/ellipticals/etc. I'm using couch to 5k because the workout is so broken up, by the time it's over I didn't realize I have been working out for 30 minutes.
  • 141by2016
    141by2016 Posts: 179
    Maybe find something you don't hate? I play soccer on a recreation league, pick up heavy stuff, and zumba. It took me a long time to find an exercise regime that I actually like, but it is less of a chore now. Good luck!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I personally log at least a half hour. An hour if I'm doing one of the group fitness classes.
    One thing I like to do is to make a gym playlist of songs I love. I like reggaeton and fast paced music, since it helps keep me focused. Maybe timing your workouts through a playlist (say, have 10 4 minute songs on there) will help you focus less on the clock?
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I notice when i keep track of time I get tired faster and un motivated. How should i approuch going to the gym?

    If you plan out what you're going to do, leave when you're done. If you're lifting, know what workouts you will do and how long you will rest between sets. Worry less about time and more about efficiency. There is no point in wasting time in the gym. A 30-45 minute hard workout is better than a 2 hour half-assed waste of everyone's time.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Do you have a programme at the gym that you follow from when you were inducted? I have a weights programme designed for me which I can follow (though I rarely use the gym in preference of exercise classes and outdoor cardio) and that's designed to take 30 minutes.

    There are some good programmes/apps for the gym that will give you a structured workout like Jefit.

    If you're just going there to do cardio then I'd recommend running or cycling outside - it's a world of difference and far more stimulating than being like a hamster on a wheel.
  • Wigguru
    Wigguru Posts: 4 Member
    I usually download a movie that's about an hour and a half (Disney is great for this), My cardio programme is generally an hour but by then the movie is almost over so I just stay on, I then swap to music with a good beat for weights.

    EBooks are also good, but I'd advise a reader with an automatic scrolling system or you're going to get annoyed really quickly.

    Although I don't mind what I do being the same week in and week out several people I know have to change what they do every couple of weeks so it doesn't get boring. As previous repliers have suggested, classes with other people, playing Tennis with a friend, cycling outside etc can be a break to the monotony.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    hour to hour and a half depending on what I am doing that day ..

    the only time I do not go is if I am sick …other then that I always try to push through my workouts….
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    That depends what kind of exercise you're doing.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Find something you really enjoy so it's not such torture.

    Listen to music that gets/keeps you moving. Or even listen to an audiobook you can get lost in.

    Challenge yourself with intervals - crank up the speed or resistance every couple minutes. I find this just kills the time and before I know it, I'm done.

    Mix it up, change machines every 10-15 minutes.

    Take classes