Estimating calories / carbs in items like this.

So this will be my food tomorrow for work.

I have a 2x ON whey protein shake with chia seeds, and this for lunch:

I just got off a cut, from 195# down to 175#. Started eating at maintenance & a new lifting routine. Got up to about 181# and my gains were plateauing on some lifts.

Going to try to do a very slight bulk, or even just a maintenance with higher carbs (thus the tacos & rice for post-WO and lunch).

These came from a truck so I have not the slightest idea of the content. Two beef, one pork, one chicken... Onion, cilantro, 2 small tortilla shells each. Plus the rice.

I want to make sure I'm getting enough carbs. At the same time, I don't want to grossly underestimate, either (which will lead to over eating later).... But if I still need more carbs after this during dinner, well I'll be damned, I'm gonna eat more.

Any guesstimates appreciated :)


  • tectactoe
    tectactoe Posts: 73 Member
    Anybody :(
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member

    I'm too chicken to even attempt. When I'm confronted by food that is tricky to estimate I either give it a miss and have something else, or eat slowly until I feel sated, drink a fair amount of water and then just forget logging altogether.

    Sorry. Not helpful, I realize.
  • jamieo70
    jamieo70 Posts: 24
    In situations like that, I try to use my hands. It looks like you've got a fist and a half of rice- maybe 1.5 cups or so, 4 corn tortillas with probably 1-2 ounces of chicken in each one. Use that as a guideline for estimating the calories. I usually ignore the garnishes like onions, tomatoes, etc. They will contain some calories but given that you're estimating anyway, if you focus on the major sources of calories (the meat, the rice and the tortillas) you'll get close enough.

    Also, you could just chalk it up to a cheat-meal and not count it. Eat, enjoy and start fresh the next day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have no idea but I'd have some :laugh:

    I'd log it as tacos and Mexican rice, and just find equivalents at On the Border or something.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    In situations like that, I try to use my hands. It looks like you've got a fist and a half of rice- maybe 1.5 cups or so, 4 corn tortillas with probably 1-2 ounces of chicken in each one. Use that as a guideline for estimating the calories. I usually ignore the garnishes like onions, tomatoes, etc. They will contain some calories but given that you're estimating anyway, if you focus on the major sources of calories (the meat, the rice and the tortillas) you'll get close enough.

    Also, you could just chalk it up to a cheat-meal and not count it. Eat, enjoy and start fresh the next day.

    This sounds like the best option.................nothing is exact anyway. Guestimating should work ok in this situation.