Desperate cry for support



  • jwd28
    jwd28 Posts: 765
    I read your post this morning and have been thinking about you all day. I will tell you what a very wise person once told me when I was going through a heart-breaking, gut wrenching time in my life...

    It wont always hurt this bad.

    It is true. You are heart-broken right now but it will get better. Please please don't give up on yourself. However bad you feel now, you will feel worse if you give up hope. Regardless of what has happened, YOU ARE WORTH IT! YOU ARE WORTH IT! YOU ARE WORTH IT!

    Take good care of yourself and know that we are here for you.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I want to thank each & every one of you for your kind words of support. It is truly what I needed. I started out this day still very weepy. I could only read a couple responses to start & I would start to cry. I am to the point where it is just a giant lump in my throat, but it isn't traveling up now. I will not use my personal problems as an excuse to give up on myself. I will actually use the pain that I feel to push myself that much harder. I can not thank you all enough for being there in one of my darkest hours.

    Thank you! Your health is worth the time and effort. That other person will not get sick if you put on weight, they will not pay for the medicine for the high cholesteral or blood pressure.

    They also will not feel the joy you feel as you exercise and take care of your body. You are WORTH IT!

    I want to say......'screw them'..........but don't know you like that :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    It wont always hurt this bad.

    So true. I had heart sx, came back to my office of 18 years to be told it was closing and my department moving 4 hours away. I thought my life was over.......instead I got a job in a different dept and will be 1 mile from home. Thank God I didnt start eating all those brownies I cooked! I would be very unhappy if I undid all that work.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Yes, I have. More than once. That is why I have needed to "diet" for the past 30 or so years. I was a size 6 all through my 20s. I looked and felt great but I took it all for granted. The weight started creeping on in my 30s. I just "let myself go," and ended up over 200 pounds in my 40s.

    I made the best of it. I became a part time "fit model" for a high end Plus Size Manufacturer -- Size 18W. The pay was great and I loved doing the work, but it was strictly part time and I was really too tall for the Plus Sizes. I am 5'8" and they want gals who are 5'5" for the most part.

    I started to remember who I was. I'm attractive but no model -- plus size or otherwise.

    We all have slips. You are doing very, very well with your program and goals. So you had a rough time. Forgive yourself and jump right back in the swing of things. Feel free to add me as a friend. I care and so do many, many others.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I felt that way earlier this week, and ever since it was resolved, I haven't exercised much. Your post is a reminder that I can do this, FOR ME!!!! And so can you! The world is not coming to an end. It may feel like it's crashing around you, but you can pick up the pieces and literally run with it! Good job on the 30 lbs! Keep it up and chin up!

    The great thing about your post, is that, you KNOW you don't want to give up and that is why you asked for help and support. That is so awesome and brave! Most will just give up and hide, but you WANT to keep going and that is why you asked for help. :flowerforyou:
    REBBYTHOM Posts: 2 Member
    wow, i feel so upset for you...but do not let this be the excuse we all use to quit...I have lost a total of 30 pounds over the years and am now a Personal trainer...i still have an issue with food, but i am only just realising that it's all in my mind and my attitude and recognising that i always give myself excuses to give up and not see this journey through to the end...

    Please do not give up...recognise that you are feeling sad...and change your reflex action (which i am guessing, is overeating, comfort eating) hold your head up, dust yourself off and make yourself proud by doing something different...

    The future you, will only look different by what you do TODAY... I am here to help you if you like...have a great day and be proud!
  • Karisha2010
    so heartbroken, gut wrenched & soul crushed by someone who means so much to me. I am ready to give up on myself, quit MFP & gain back the 30 lbs I have lost so far.

    If you do give up on yourself, you've given someone else power over you and that's disloyal to your SELF. I am not dismissing what pain you may be feeling right now. We all have had that moment. But some say we can make pain be a teacher and this sounds like your time to experience that moment.

    Just like when you're on your stationary bike and pushing so hard for those last five minutes ... feeling the burn ... the pain and the "omg, get me out of this" emotion, you remember to give that extra push. And the feeling you have afterwards: Accomplishment. Pride. Gratefulness to your SELF for not letting you down. This feeling can be had in all areas of your life.

    You're clearly feeling the "burn" of this moment when someone let you down. Push through it, anyway, to get to the other side. It always gets better because of that age old theory: What comes up, goes down (and vice versa). Your "up" is headed your way very soon. And when it does, you'll be glad you didn't give up on yourself. That you still stuck it out and finished this "exercise" for the good of YOU.

    Because you have the POWER to do that. No one can take that away, unless you let them. So don't let that happen.

    Hang in there. Stick to it. Keep up all the hard work despite the burn you are feeling right now. Eventually, you'll see the results. And whomever you are referencing will no doubt be in the same place as today. YOU, however, will have moved on.

    POWER is in you. Sending you best wishes ...