Hi everyone!

Hello all! Sorry, I'm about to get wordy.

I am here because I weighed myself at the end of February and found myself at my highest weight ever, 180lbs. While it wasn't far from my usual average of 175, it was kind of an eye opener. With my 26th birthday looming toward the end of May, I decided to finally, actually make a change.

My goal is my high school senior weight of 155 by my birthday, and since my decision I've already lost 15lbs, so I am only 10 away.

But here's the hard part!

I've managed by diet so far, with my only excersize being a 30 minute walk a couple times a week and 3 hours of karate about four times a week (sounds like alot, but many of those classes I'm helping teach little kids, so it can be less of a workout than I'd like sometimes). Other than that I can be pretty sedentary.

So here I am, in need of a little support. I'm terrified that I may unsettle the good habits I've picked up, or that I won't stick with it. I'll be upping my walks, taking them daily, as well as adding in a mile run every day. I'm also adding in push-ups and jump ropes.

It's great to be here, I can't wait to see what the future holds!


  • rideontechnology
    rideontechnology Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! Congratulations on making the decision to be who you want to be :) Although I must say I am jealous at the thought of seeing 180 on the scale. Ill get there! As for you, you'll get to your goal too.