Water jogging

Talk to me about water jogging! Do you just run in the pool? Any special equipment needed? I've found myself in the position of having a pool readily available for my fitness needs, but no idea of what to do in it for exercise besides swimming laps.


  • IRun24
    IRun24 Posts: 30
    If done correctly, aquajogging is a tough workout. You can do it with or without the floating jogging belt, but it will feel more like an aquaSPRINT without the belt since you will bascially be treading water super fast. My YMCA has belts for all different weights that they keep on the pool deck. If your pool doesn't have that, you can always go out and buy one.

    Basically, you strap on the jogging belt and jump on in the deep end. You need to keep yourself floating upright at all times and "jog" either in place or moving slightly forward - moving both your arms and legs. Hard to describe... but definitely read up on it a bit more.

    It can be a great workout, but too many people don't put enough work into it and shortchange themselves. I wear a HRM to make sure I'm staying "honest" during my workouts in the pool. Otherwise, I'd just let the belt do most of the work... Also, water weights (water dumbbells) make the workout even tougher.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Sounds like a nice change from biking/jogging/walking though! I'm going to do some research on it. Today I mostly played around in the pool, I'm going to go look for some water weights and whatnot for my pool time Friday. Thanks for the information!