How the heck do I slow down?

dani22105 Posts: 94 Member
So this is a little bit of my life. 25. Graduating nursing school next month!!! Just started seeing a fantastic guy, who is supportive and wonderful. Committing to log every day! GREAT right? Don't get me wrong I am so thankful for each day.. good or bad. But..

This is where I'm struggling. Life is busy and I don't know why I am so fearful of being loved but I am. See I've always been the chubby single funny girl. Now that I am comfortable with myself but making awesome changes, I feel like time is running short and I HAVE so much I want to do. I don't know how to organize yet to make time for my guy but I don't want to lose something great either. Dating him has made me realize I have a lot of work to do on myself. I need to love myself each day. I need to keep my strong faith because whatever God wants for us, He will set up for us. I need to be honest and open when I'm afraid to say something or do something. I need to be more affectionate.

Basically, I feel overwhelmed and just need to ***** and vent a little bit. I am graduating and ready to start living my dream as a NURSE! That's awesome to say out loud. I need help lol How do I stop rushing my life and just let things be?

Any suggestions would be great and a kick in the *kitten* would be great too.


  • lucille_heather
    lucille_heather Posts: 650 Member
    Well done on graduating next month hun! Its so good to see you heading towards your dream!
    End of the day, Im a firm believer on what will be, will be! So just get out there and live your life!
    You only have one life, do what makes you happy. You sound like you have it all sorted in your head. A great career and a man. Hold onto both of those!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I think a big part of it is that you're just in that time of your life - early to mid 20's is such a huge jumble of activity - people getting married and having kids and buying houses and taking classes and graduating and starting new careers and buying new cars it just seems like there's so much going on and life is zooming! But trust me hon, there is SOOO much time left to do things. You don't have to have it all figured out this year, you're just getting started! Enjoy your life and give yourself a break. You're doing very well!

    As far as your guy... Ask him to be patient and give him as much time as you can muster without spreading your time too thinly. If he's as great as you make him sound, he'll understand. Even if it's just hanging out while you study or grabbing a quick meal and/or "cuddle". And make sure you're calling/texting him to let him know he's in your thoughts even if you can't quite spare the time to hang out.

    Hope that helps! :)
  • m_johannes
    m_johannes Posts: 72 Member
    Oh man, I'm on the same page with you! I'm your age, and my life is chaotic and completely consumed with my career, extracurricular activities, social activities, and my boyfriend. But you know what? It's FINE. At our age, life is supposed to be chaotic. I've come to the conclusion that the busier I am, the more I am "living my life." I enjoy every minute of it and just soak it up, because someday, I will be too old to keep up with it all. Someday, I may even have kids that consume the majority of my time, and I won't get to live my life for myself anymore. Don't let anyone else make you feel for one second that you need to "slow down"! Do what you want, and be what you want.

    As far as your boyfriend is concerned, if at any point he complains that you don't have time for him, is he really worth it anyway? It sounds like for now that isn't an issue, but you need to stay true to yourself, girl! Like I said, don't let anyone else make you feel like you need to change anything. When I first met my bf and we started dating, I laid out the situation for him plain and simple: "my life is a chaotic mess, but I will gladly let you join me for the ride. Come to my band concerts, come with me to meet my friends at the bar, but I will NOT slow down for you. You have to keep up, if you want in on this! And if you don't like it, tough cookies - I'll find someone who does."

    The end.
  • dani22105
    dani22105 Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you guys so much! xoxo happy Monday! Life is good! Just have to sit back and let things happen. I'm not a fan of planning every detail out because it's not how it works. God is good and will continue to bless all of us and on situations we don't know what to do (currently right now for me) I'm just going to keep doing what I do.. Smile, be thankful and keep moving forward.