Active and Rest Days Advise Needed

Hi Guys and Girls,

Athough I am not new to MFP, I am new to exercising.
I have never been a very active person and actually used to hate exercise of any kind, mainly because I was embarrased and I used to get tired and out of breath quickly.
Anyway after losing 23lb, I am finding I have more energy and a new found confidence and motivation.

I want to start building up my fitness now and I since cant really afford to go to a gym to I need to use what I have around me.
I have decided to start walking (eventually building up to jogging) in the country lanes that surround my home.

My plan is:
Walk for 5,000 steps or more on days that I am at work. (I leave the house at 7:30 and dont get home until 6:30 so long walks are not always possible. Walk for 10,000 steps or more in days that I am not at work (Weekends/Bank Holidays etc)
Take 2 rest days a week (Monday and Friday on a normal week but this will change dependant if the Monday or Friday are a bank holiday to Tuesday or Thursday).

I know that rest days are as important as active days for muscle recuperation.
Any advise welcome :-)


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I think that is fine. As far as days on. And off, but I'd make sure to add in some sort of resistance training, even if it's bodyweight only.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Like Sit Ups, Push Ups, Squats?
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Yeah, but I'd ditch sit-ups. Squats, lunges, push-ups (at whatever level you're able) planks, maybe dips and crunches. Check out for a beginner bodyweight program, and just Google "beginner bodyweight program" for ideas.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Thank you I will do that =)
  • lisa1913
    lisa1913 Posts: 4
    I was a little like you too as far as exercise and I have to be careful with my back. I now have 6 months though to loose some weight or I'm on the verge of being put on cholesterol medication which I don't want to do because I already take a few other medications. Anyway, I'm feeling better this time around abut MFP. I am also doing a ab & squat challenge that I found on Pinterest. There are a lot of ideas via Pinterest. I'm also going to try the crunch challenge next month. Oh and by the way, I can't actually do sit-ups due to my back, but can manage to make them more like crunches. The squats are great too. I'm half way through the 30 days. Began it on April 1 so it's easy to remember. I'm also doing them no matter what I feel like (tired, etc). So far so good. I'm quit proud of myself. I also treadmill and walk the neighborhood when it's nice outside. I can't afford the gym either. I have done Zumba in the past but that gets pricey also. We can do this!!!!!