Can stress hinder weight loss?

Ok, so let me start out by saying that I'm stressed out.....I just broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years, whose mom made things horrible for me in the last couple of days, I had that time of the month, and got some health news that is really stressing me out (non-related to my weight)....I have eaten below my calories everyday..though some days are a little higher in sodium than I would like. I have in the last few days started to eat more fruits and vegetables. I also exercise at least 4 times per week for 65 minutes burning on average 800 calories. All this and I'm having problems dropping anything.....frankly, at some point my body has to give, but I'm curious......has anyone else struggled to lose weight despite being dutiful about exercising, water intake, and logging calories because of stress?

P.S. I am now sick with a chest cold too.....more to foil my weight loss plans.....I feel like poop so exericse will be at a minimum this week!


  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    simple answer to all that... yes, yes, and yes...! my advice, for what its worth, let your body rest a little so it can heal up from the cold. Stress does take a toll on so much. don't give up or go crazy w/anything though :)
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    The short answer is "yes" stress can hinder weight loss or cause weight gain. First stress can alter your body chemistry/metabolism which can have a negative impact on your weight. Secondly, stress often causes people to overeat.

    The best cure is exercise. It tends reduce stress, improve your metabolism and burn more calories.

    Sorry you're having a tough time. Hope you feel better soon.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Definitely -stress causes the body to produce more cortisol.

    Hang in there - we're all here for you xxx
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Def. not going crazy or giving up...if anything...I want to get healthier and thinner all the more my own sick way showing that my ex is missing out on the new, better me.....exercise will continue with renewed intensity as soon as I can breathe! lol
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    I'm not sure about a direct stress connection, but stress has all kinds of fun side effects like not getting enough sleep which I know impacts metabolism and weight loss. From what you've said, you've got a lot going on and your body is likely just trying to keep up. For now, keep doing what you have been. It's frustrating, but you're body will catch up. By continuing to eat well and exercise, you can better manage the stress your under.
  • nikilocopapi
    I encounter the same problem with the scale. Pretty religious about the exercising & eating the right stuff & amounts (sometimes BELOW the allowed calories, I do believe this can work against you like they say - the whole body/starvation/metabolism thing going on). But, while the scale moves slowly, what I DO notice is that my smaller size clothes are fitting much better than before, so SOMETHING is happening, maybe I'm building more muscle than I realize, and that is offsetting the "lack of" weight loss. Look for other signs of success besides the scale number & let that encourage you to keep on keeping on. Like you said, eventually something has to give!
  • missyhse
    missyhse Posts: 189
    Stress can definitely have an influence, and so does overtraining. If you are run down, stressed, have a cold and are eating under your calories your body is likely overcompensating. Keep eating more fruits and especially veggies, and tone down some of your workouts, not every one has to leave you depleted! You can still burn calories/build fat burning muscle with light workouts once in a while. Eat plenty and do moderate cardio until you're over the cold, then get back into your groove.
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    I understand your frustration. First of all sorry for all the unplesant things going on, hopefully they will get better.
    I have been working out 6 days a week for 30-60 minutes a day logging and staying under my calorie goals everyday and can't seem to get past the 27 lb mark, I don't know what's going on but wish it would stop and let me continue on.

    Good luck to you!!!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I understand your frustration. First of all sorry for all the unplesant things going on, hopefully they will get better.
    I have been working out 6 days a week for 30-60 minutes a day logging and staying under my calorie goals everyday and can't seem to get past the 27 lb mark, I don't know what's going on but wish it would stop and let me continue on.

    Good luck to you!!!

    Staying under your calorie can be your problem here. You should try to eat your goal & atleast some of your exercise calories for a couple of weeks and see if that doesn't kick start your loss again.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Yes to answer your question. Hey, I've been there (we were together 4 years) Use that as a motivation. I was joining the military and mine told me I wouldn't make it, I was to weak... Well it pissed me off and I used it to motivate me. He has since realized his mistake... after I married a great guy I met (also in the military). (I know its petty, but) Its so nice to say hey, I did this for me and he "is a jerk" and is missing out. You can message me if ya need to talk. Hope ya feel better, let your body recoop before ya workout hard. :)

    I don't know how you feel about this and I hope I don't offend anyone, but... God never gives us more than we can handle, and we come out stronger in the end.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    I should amend my first post by saying that I have been eating between 1200 and 1300 calories everyday....MFP says I should eat 1310, so I make sure to eat at least 1200...usually, it's been closer to 1300. So I'm not going under the starvation mode....just "under" in terms of never going over the calorie goal MFP sets for me!
  • Dietexpert
    I would concur with the above comments. I suffer from constant stress 24/7 and am always battling with my weight although I do admit to overeating as a result.