TMI question for the ladies

So ... I've been on the depo provera contraceptive shot since I was 18 - give or take a few months. I'm 29 now, married and we're talking about having a baby, so I'm stopping the shot.

The shot - amazing little chemical cocktail, it is - has completely stopped my period. I've been reassured by my doctor that my bone density hasn't been affected by the shot, but my sex hormone levels may be wacky (they can't be tested until the shot is out of my system). However, she was unable to give me an answer on what to expect when going off the shot after having been on it for so long. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but I was wondering if anyone has had any experience going off depo and what their experience was? My doctor also advised that her average patient on depo gained 30-40 pounds and that going off the shot may make it easier to lose. My fingers are crossed!

I was due for a shot April 1, didn't get it and have been spotting a little bit ever since then. Not really sure what to make of it. No cramps so far, thank goodness! I remember back when I did have a period it was horrible ... cramps, pain down my legs, nausea, headaches, heavy flow, emotional mess. My poor husband has no idea what he's in for ... lol

Also looking for other birth control options after having a child. I've been loving this no-period thing, but I feel like I'm tempting fate each time I get these chemicals injected into my body. Something seems a little off when I'm making an effort to drink my coffee from a BPA-free cup ... yet injecting myself with chemicals to stop a bodily function ... haha


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I was on depo for over 15 years and recently restarted it after using Mirena for 7 years (only stopped because it dislodged).

    I have lost my weight while using both...

    As for when I stopped depo (they ran out for a summer) my body returned to "normal" within a month to be frank.

    After depo and a child I would suggest Mirena...people will say it will cause weight gain but in reality it doesn't...

    It increases appetite but if you continue to count calories and either stay in maintenance or you wont gain weight...
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I admit, when I went off depo, I went on the pill for 6 months or so, just so I wouldn't freak my body out too much. I don't know that I personally blame depo for my weight gain, but I did lose weight steadily after I stopped getting injections.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The only thing I can share with you is my niece's experience. When she got those shots, she gained a tremendous amount of weight. When she stopped, the weight dropped. Now, she is using the Mirena because she refuses to do the shots again.

    Good Luck and Good Luck to the poor husband! LOL!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't know what will happen to your body, but I would brace myself for issues with pregnancy. I know several women who had muktiple miscarriages after going off Depo, though they were able to eventually carry to term.

    Also, my BFF went into menopause as a direct result of being on the shot for too long (she was younger than you and on it for a slightly shorter time), so make sure your hormone levels are where they should be and if not, you may have to inject or ingest more chemicals to fix it.

    A copper IUD (if you aren't prone to heavy periods) is the only long-term, non-chemical, reversible BC I know of. I had no issues at all on the pill, but Mirena messed my system up pretty badly. I have my tubes tied now, but I'm done having babies.

    Branstin -- Mirena has the exact same hormone as the shot. It's just delivered differently. I gained a lot of weight on Mirena.
  • mommy_lazaro
    I stopped taking the depo shot because I gained weight like crazy!! After having kids I'm on Mirena. Insanely light periods for a day or 2 and I haven't gained any weight. I didn't have problems with increase appetite, but I do have 1 day out of the month where I am an emotional wreck.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    When I tried depo I didn't stop bleeding, after a few months of that, and being turned down when I went to donate blood because my HCT was too low I stopped taking it. And, then I stopped having my period all together. Every 6-8 months I would have a period and then nothing. I got tested to see if I was in menopause but I wasn't. That was over 10 years ago, and I'm probably going through menopause now, but I don't know.