Cheat Meals/Days: Are they worth it?



  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member

    So, how does drinking excess water get rid of water weight? Can I count coffee, there's water in that? I see 3lb. swings some days that cannot be related to what I ate.



    My understanding (although admittedly, it could be wrong) is that there are certain foods that dehydrate the body (e.g. salt) and when your body feels like it doesn't have enough water, it will hold onto water to stay alive. But, if you're giving the body plenty of water, it won't feel the need to hold onto water and will allow it to flush through the system.

    It's sort of like when your body goes into starvation mode, in terms of calories - the body naturally slows down the metabolism so that it's not burning the few calories you're giving it so quickly - so that your heart doesn't shut down, etc... so, counter-intuitively, you actually need to eat more calories to lose weight.

    These are just natural body defenses to death from dehydration/starvation.
  • bonniejessen5
    I allow my self to eat what ever I want on Saturdays. Whenever I get a craving during the week I promise myself that I can have it on Saturday. What I found is that I don't want it, the grease and processed food just doesn't taste all that great. I find myself craving vegetables. I am working toward an overall goal of eating healthier long term. So 1/2 pound or 1 pound a week is fine. But for me the minute I tell myself you can never eat what you want forever, that is when I get frustrated and give up.
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    Thanks! I try to weigh myself 4 times a week, always first thing in the morning before my body manufactures that extra weight that shows up later out of nothing ;)
    Sean, do you weigh yourself at the same time each day, preferably first thing in the morning? You'll have the least water weight swing then. But don't let the difference bother you, it's all about the downward trend. That's why a lot of people only weigh themselves once or twice a week.

    The water helps make all of your organs run more efficiently and with good fiber, helps to make the food go through you more efficiently. If I don't drink the water, I won't lose as much weight, and I don't feel as good. I did Weight Watchers (successfully) years ago and our group leader used to have a formula for how many "points/calories" over your goal you were, and how much water you had to drink to help drag the food out of you by the weigh in. Sounds silly but it actually worked. I can't remember the equation though.
  • brattygurl89
    brattygurl89 Posts: 11 Member
    I don't have scheduled cheat days. If I want something, I eat it and just work it into my macros. Every once in a while I may eat out, have a few treats, snack a bit more and go over, but I jump right back in the next day. Cheating implies I'm doing something I shouldn't, and I don't think that enjoying a treat is a bad thing. Besides, this isn't a diet for me, but a lifestyle change. However, if it's very easy to fall off the wagon, I suggest eliminating tempting foods out of the house. It might make the journey easier.