Help Out a Friend Please!

I started on this site in March and by July 16th I had lost 17 pounds. I went on vacation then and got off course. Then I moved apartments right when I got back and got situated into my new place. Ever since then (August 1st) I have had one hell of a time trying to get back on track. Eating wise and exercising. I've gained back some of the weight i had lost.... :(

I know when I exercise I have more of a reason to eat right because I'm not going to mess up the good workout I've had. I used to get up in the morning before work and I just can't get up anymore. I also could after work most nights (4:30 pm) but I just want to relax then too. I have a treadmill at home too, I just wish I had my TV in front of it so I really couldn't be lazy.

I guess I'm just asking for some advice on getting motivated. I know rewards would help but I can't come up with anything I really want to motivate me (it would have to be a cheap reward also lol).

I just don't understand why I can't get motivated, because I feel so much better about myself when I'm on track. Please help...


  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Whatever you need just let me know. You can do this.
  • mario284
    Would re-organizing your appartment so that you can have your Threadmill by your tv be an option? Just a thought :-)
  • Sikketh
    Sikketh Posts: 12 Member
    I used to weigh 220 pounds, I got down to 180 and lost track, ended up gaining weight all the way up to 250, so I know how it feels. It took me a while to get motivation to get back on track, and the fact that you're on this site is showing me that you've got at least a tiny bit of it. I'm back down to 220 again, you can get back down too.

    I found this quote on facebook and happened to have just posted it in a motivational quotes topic, because it really applied to me and I think it also applies to you. You only fail when you stop, so keep at it. Find that motivation inside you, because I know you have it... you came here.
    "Never stop trying, failure happens ONLY when you give up BELIEVING."
  • SBMillard
    Is it possible to hit the gym, track or treadmill at lunch time? It works well if you get your exercise done BEFORE you get home. Otherwise it is too easy to get side tracked and lose track of time. After you have been 'off the wagon' for a while the best thing to do and start with your brain.. train your brain... syke yourself up about exercising and dieting. Reprocess your goals.. what are they - where do you see yourself by Christmas? Think about the end result. Take one day at a time.... If you work or live where you park in a parking lot - park as far away as you can and walk to both places. Take a quick stroll at break time around your office or home. Getting fresh air and sun will certainly boast your mood and help you get on track. Don't try to redo everything you have lost before you quit your diet and exercise. Start from today and move forward! GOOD LUCK!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Would re-organizing your appartment so that you can have your Threadmill by your tv be an option? Just a thought :-)

    I love having a tv in front of the treadmill.... If I didn't, I think the treadmill would have dust on it ;)
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    I think that the best advise is to just do it. Its hard for me to. I rollercoast alot. Keep looking forward. You can also read fitness magazines. Looking at fit people and reading about fitness helps me get motivated. Also mfp friends help. You can do it. It will be hard when you start up agien and you'll think why did I ever stop working out but keep going. You can do it. I know you can :happy:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    It helps me to have a program-like Couch to 5k. Once I finished it I had a hard time putting exercise on the schedule. So I started Gateway to 8k and it keeps me off my butt 3 days a week. Before C25k I did 30-day shred for 30 days straight-it's only 25 mins/day and I could do it at home, so I just did it first thing when I got home from work. Take some before pictures, pick a "challenge" and then your reward is having amazing "after" pictures! you could google an 8-wk plan, they have wschedules and workout videos and meal plans, if you need that kind of structure. Just some ideas for ya!
    Good luck!
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    Do you run? Or bike? Sometimes registering for a race, or even a bike ride that is not timed (but may be a longer distance than you usually ride) can be a good goal. Something to train for. Where I live there are 5K runs with race registrations as low as $15. Then you usually get a Tshirt, food and "goody bag" at the finish line. I find that once I have a particular goal like that, it's easier to get up early or make the time wherever I can to get it done.
  • hammod
    hammod Posts: 23
    I was thinking the same thing as Mario284 was. Although I had a treadmill at one time and had to have it out in my husbands wood shop because we literally had no room in our house to put it so I understand if that doesn't work.

    I don't know if a gym membership is in the financial cards for you, but I found a friend to go to the gym with me every morning - I feel obligated to go and meet her there as I don't want to let her down and she feels the same way. So even though I wake up some mornings and just want to roll over and go back to sleep I get up because I know she'll be waiting there for me.

    Or you could find a friend that you need to check in with every morning (either via chat, text or phone) to tell them that you are starting your workout and they could tell you they are starting theres? I guess I feel accountability is a huge thing for me. Motivationwise - I find that hanging a picture of me when I was at my smallest often motivates me or vise versa - a photo that is of me when I was my biggest. Or hang up a pair of jeans or shorts that you want to fit into again. :)
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    It can be tough when you get off track. I have veered off it myself. are logging your food, right? if not, start doing that again.
    And...log your exercise too...seeing what you are burning will help keep you motivated.
    And, TELL people in your daily life what you are trying to accomplishment. Everyone does better when they are held accountable.
    Me...I have MFP linked to my FB page...every day when I complete my food log it posts to my FB page. Not for everyone, I know...but for ME, it keeps me accountable.
    Put yourself out there just a bit and you will see your friends will help you stay focused. AND..they might actually need and want an accountability partner too.

    Friend me if you like. I will do whatever I can for you :)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I like having an outlined program or a fitness goal for the future.

    But really the thing that motivated me (and this is just personally and due to being still at least 45lbs over weight) is looking down at my stomach. Seeing something I dont like about my body reminds me/motivated me to go hit the treadmill since I know (based on 17 years of experience) that it wont get better/fixed by doing nothing.
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    I appreciate all of the responses!! It's great to know people care to help me out :)

    I know I just need to motivate myself by knowing that I will be happier if I eat right and work out!!

    Also I'm going to look into maybe moving my treadmill to in front of my tv, but that's easier said then done as it's really heavy.