Getting Fit When Your S/O Is "Fat & Happy"



  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Do what you need to do...he may get on board with you eventually. Or...he might not. If he doesn't follow in your footsteps there's nothing you can do to change it.
  • HappyBouncyJello
    HappyBouncyJello Posts: 14 Member
    "part of the reason I'd like him to get in shape is for the sole purpose of not feeling "alone" in this... It's hard to sweat your butt off while your s/o is in the other room watching"

    I'd like to offer a slightly different perspective.

    You want him to workout with you so you're not "alone". But you guys work different hours. And you spend time when you see each other doing something he's not interested in. Go do something fun that you both enjoy during your time together. If it's active that's a plus, if it's not, well you're not feeling alone AND he's not feeling nagged to death.

    Work out in the mornings while he's at work. Join a class, get a friend to work out with, find a forum accountability group, something that makes you feel "not alone" in your new hobby: exercising. This is *your* hobby. If your bf took up woodcarving/fishing/yodeling (or something else that bores your socks off) would he expect you to do it with him? Probably not.

    So do your hobby/workout on your time and when you're both home... BOTH of you go do something awesome. Take a cooking class together, go hiking, go wine tasting, explore a near-by city you've not been to, heck, play video games together, anything fun!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    This is just one of those things where you have to "love him where he's at." He's not at the same place you are, and no amount of encouragement is likely to make him leap off the couch and say, "Yay! Count me in!!" (As much as you may secretly want him to.)

    Your mission is yours. Go forward with confidence that you know you're doing what's right for you, and move forward on your path. If/when he wants to join you, let him.
  • Kixshots
    Kixshots Posts: 74 Member
    I think when we start taking our health and fitness seriously we start wondering why everyone else isn't, because it seems like one of the most rewarding things one can do for themselves... I tried getting my boyfriend encouraged into healthier habits and maybe to lose a few lbs but it didn't make a difference really because he just ate crap when I wasn't around (maybe because he felt guilty?) XD which is not what I was trying to do..
    he's stopped ''dieting'' now and I think he's actually gained some weight since before he ever started , maybe from feeling pressured and restricted. So I'm not saying anything anymore to do with his weight , and nor will I because it's his body and I love him regardless and sometimes we can do more harm than good when we put expectations on to people...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    your S/O does not have to do the same thing you do for you to be successful.

    just ask my husband.

    he went paleo two months into my journey and is slim and fit as all get out. me, I ran into some hard times emotionally with family happenings and fell of my wagon. no hindrance to his success at all whatsoever. and i verbally hated on his paleo. but he did it anyways. ;you can too. choose your plan and stick with it. that's all it takes. focus. on yourself.

    in the past i've done it vice versa where I've lost weight in spite of others around me. its' actually easy. you only focus on you. it works. you can do it.