Time to change my diet...

So after about 5 or so weeks of regular working out and dieting, I am not happy with what I've been doing. I've been roughly sticking around 1,000 calories/day of intake(total, not net) all while burning roughly 600-800 calories through exercise 4 days per week. I was at first pleased because I lost 26 pounds, but I have the sensation that I'm losing muscle, not fat. I've also been feeling a bit tired, weak, etc. Over the weekend, I didn't limit my calorie count to the 1,000 or so/day, rather 2,000-2,500 per day, and I came into the gym today and ran 4.5 miles and felt WAYYYYYYYYYYY better while/after running this distance than I have over the past month. I'm 6'6" and 204, so I'm guessing with the exercise that I do, I'm going to need to be taking in roughly 2,500+ calories/day. I'm going to do this thing right and take the time to do it correctly, not just do a crash diet, feel like crap and let my body believe that it's starving. I'm just glad that I realised this before I did any real damage.


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Yes eat!!! AT 6'6", you definitely need more calories. Only the smaller ladies(around 5') on here eat at 1200 calories but most people need more.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I don't know how long you've been eating so little, but I'm so glad you have seen the beginning consequences of your VLCD. Here's a link that might help you understand how to fuel your body. Good luck.

  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    beat me to it.

    Read that link and all of the links in it.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    beat me to it.

    Read that link and all of the links in it.

  • ranks39
    ranks39 Posts: 14
    Thank you for the link.....at this point, I'm going to count what I eat and not worry to much about over/underestimating the calories and macronutrients for a little bit. I have never been someone who binges on food, so my focus will simply be eating enough. As I said I generally burn between 600-800 cals via exercise/day and I'll be started a weight training program on Friday, I'm not too concerned about overeating; rather, not eating enough and specifically, not eating enough of the "right" types of food. Any suggestions on foods that are nutrient-rich, especially with protein???? Thanks again!
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Thank you for the link.....at this point, I'm going to count what I eat and not worry to much about over/underestimating the calories and macronutrients for a little bit. I have never been someone who binges on food, so my focus will simply be eating enough. As I said I generally burn between 600-800 cals via exercise/day and I'll be started a weight training program on Friday, I'm not too concerned about overeating; rather, not eating enough and specifically, not eating enough of the "right" types of food. Any suggestions on foods that are nutrient-rich, especially with protein???? Thanks again!

    real food.

    meat, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc. can't go wrong.

    and you burn 6-800 cals on top of the probably 1800 cal your body burns every day just living your life, meaning you burn a total of up to 2600 cal/day.

    for weight loss you should be eating no more than a 500 cal or 20% deficit, putting you at roughly 2100 cal/day.

    Eat more. :)
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I don't know how long you've been eating so little, but I'm so glad you have seen the beginning consequences of your VLCD. Here's a link that might help you understand how to fuel your body. Good luck.

    I couldn't imagine eating that little. I am hungry now thinking about it.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    I had a similar experience myself. At 5'2 I should be eating 1200. I was at 950 on weight watchers! Once I began eating more I felt great and began to get toned!
  • ranks39
    ranks39 Posts: 14
    Thanks a lot for the suggestions! I'm gonna give them a whirl and I'll report back here in a couple weeks-time to tell you how I feel and the results. Basically, I was ignoring everything that my body was telling me....I ignored hunger pangs, dizziness, weakness, etc.......With all of your help, I'll be doing this thing the right way from here on out!