Calorie Intake Question

So I've been on MF for quite some time now. I have lost a lot of weight (not all tracked on here because I used to use the loseit app). Anyways I was at 200lbs. I got down to 170lbs. But recently I ended up pregnant, and had a miscarriage, and went back up to 178lbs. I really want to get in better shape. I feel like because I am out of shape is why I miscarried. & although I do not won't to get pregnant right away again, I do want to get my body back, and better than before! That way when I am ready again, my body can be in it's best shape to support a baby. So basically my question is how many calories should I be eating if I weigh 178lbs right now. I want to get down to 140lbs. But I don't want to go into starvation mode, my metabolism is slow enough. I do have a very athletic build for a women despite my weight, and I do exercise 4-6 times a week. MF has me at 1,650 calories. Does that sound right? & when I workout am I supposed to eat those calories back? Sorry for the long intro just figured I would put why I want to get in shape, and my current situation to help. Also I feel as if I just can't get out of the 170lbs range. That's why I think I may be eating too many calories. I do have a few bad days everynow and then, but not that bad.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    In my opinion - for whatever that's worth - :) -
    1650 is reasonable I think. I'm in the middle of my 178 to 140 path, and generally eat 1400-1600. I'm not terribly active but its a work in progress. I eat some of the exercise calories back, depending on how I feel & whether or not I feel the burn # is reliable.

    I also have my goal set for a 500 calorie deficit (1 pound per week) so while I make sure to eat enough, I don't think I'll do any harm if by exercise I create a little extra deficit. If your goal is more extreme (750-1000 deficit per day) then you might see it differently.

    From time to time (2-3 times a month) I do aim to eat in a maintenance range so about 500 or so calories higher. Helps me fit in things I might otherwise avoid, and I see it as eating 'normal' rather than cheating. No food is good or bad. I just choose to use moderation with many things or put them off for now. I try to eat mostly nutritious foods, but nothing is outlawed.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    1650 seems reasonable and would likely lead to a 0.5 lb loss considering how active you are. However, you need to be sure you'te truly consuming the amount you think you are . So use a digital scale to weigh everything you eat and don't forget to log anything. You may also want to double check entries since calories can be off.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    First of all don't worry about starvation mode because it doesn't exist - at least not in the way that many people seem to think it exists.

    Starvation mode occurs when you're not eating enough calories - and by "not enough" I mean basically you're not eating anything, not just eating a little under your calorie goal. Starvation mode is when there is NO carbohydrate or fat left in your body to burn as fuel, so your body starts to burn protein instead, and since the richest source of protein in your body is your muscles, in starvation mode your body starts burning your own muscles because it cannot get any energy from anywhere else. This is extremely severe, extremely dangerous, and if you have it you are most likely either anorexic or a starving child in a famine-stricken African country.

    If you have a low calorie goal of say 1200, or if you sometimes go under your calorie your goal, your metabolism may slow a little but long-term you're not going to gain weight, maintain weight or "hold on to fat" or any of the other ridiculous so-called consequences of this mythical "starvation mode".
  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    First off, I am very sorry for your loss. You don't say how recently your miscarriage was but please give yourself time to recover physically and emotionally.

    1650 sounds good. I would go with that for a while and see how you go. You can always adjust it if needs be. Also as others have said make sure you log accurately.

    Good luck.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I think when most mention starvation mode they're actually meaning how the body's metabolism can adjust to a new 'norm' if you continue with a routine for long enough. Such as if you eat 1400 calories a day and burn 2000 calories a day doing the same activities, over enough time, then your metabolism can adjust/slow down so that its actually burning what you consume. So changing up your activities, occasionally having a higher calorie intake day, etc. - variety - can be good.
  • rhapasody
    rhapasody Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the good feedback everyone! So what I am doing is good then. At least I know now lol. I'm such a newbie at this kind of stuff. I do a lot of research on it, but get soo many mixed reviews on calorie intake and what not. :)
  • nikkyboop
    nikkyboop Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also confused too... I need help~ I've been working out 5x a week for an hour since Feb and eating 1200 calories a day... I have not lost a single pound. I'm 25 ~ 5'7 ~ 220lbs. My weight has shifted from 218 to 220 for the past 3 months. I'm starting to think maybe I'm not eating enough calories? I usally burn 600-900 calories a day. I'm really confused with the whole calorie deficit. how many calories should I be eating considering I'm working out and burning that many calories?

    Should I eat 1700-2000 calories a day, burn 500-800 calories, so my deficit is not lower than 1200 calories? and I'm not "starving" my body? Some help me PLEASE!!!

    ~CantBeFatAnymore :-)