I need help!!!! and NOW before I give up!

I've been doing Medifast for 10 months...I've lost 30 pounds..which is 1/2 my goal..that's awesome! but it's getting OLD and it's expensive! so I started researching to find something I could transition to and eat Low Carb, Low fat and eat food. Then...I discover that Soy (an ingredient in EVERY THING Medifast) is BAD for you and causes your liver to store fat in your fat cells around your mid section! Thats by biggest problem area! I look like I have a child's flotation device under my shirt and it goes all the way around. Now it's smaller than when I started 10 months ago but now I'm not seeing any real change. I'm so frustrated! everyone says try Beach Body, Try Body by Vi, Try this supplement, that protein bar!!!! it's enough to make me want to pull my hair out! I want to eat REAL food, not processed stuff...but HOW do I do that and watch carb and protein intake and be healthy? Weight watchers? another program? Or am I just doomed to be on Medifast? Everyone says "my plan is better" but really?? How can I find out? Everything you read contradicts what you've read before....I want the truth! I want to eat foods that are pure....no additives, no mixing with water to make them a meal! is that too much to ask???


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Have you tried using this website as it's intended? Where you log the foods you eat and track calories and your food macros (carb, protein, fat grams). You really can eat real food and lose weight. I did. No shakes or supplements in particular needed (though now I wish I'd eaten more protein and calcium, in general).
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    Counting calories and macronutrients on myfitnesspal works for me. If I actually am really strict about measuring and don't sneak bites, its especially effective. If you're carb sensitive, eat under 100 grams a day and eat real lovely whole foods and just count calories on here. Go for a macronutrient ratio of 30% carbs 35% protein and 35% fat when calculating on MFP. Is that doable to try? I think fad diets help people who have a hard time putting restrictions on themselves, MFP is very doable if you can be disciplined.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Even though you say you want to eat real food you are still placing restrictions on yourself (low carb, low fat, no this, no that) I notice.

    What if you just ate normally and mindfully, tracking your calorie intake for a month or two using MFP? Why make it so very complicated and restrictive. You will lose weight if you buy a food scale, weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log accurately. As simple as that. It really, really does work.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I hear this thing called My Fitness Pal works pretty well ...
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I want the truth!

    If weight loss is your goal, all you need is a calorie deficit. That can be accomplished with all types of food.
  • kharbaugh29
    kharbaugh29 Posts: 11 Member
    Medifast is the worst thing I did for my body. The result was fast weightloss but the cost was no strength and muscle tone. I was at my lowest weight when I ruptured my acl playing a pick up game of volleyball. I know that I could have tore it even if not on medifast but it certainly didn't help. It is important to maintain strong joints through regular exercise and that is not what i did. Additionally, I found that after I stopped using Medifast, even though I weened myself back on regular food, I gained the weight back quickly. Which made me feel awful about myself. I wasn't eating cheeseburgers and french fries with reckless abandon. I was eating healthier foods and limiting carbs. My body just wasn't responding the right way. So, I would recommend that you get off of Medifast and maybe go see a nutritionist to help you manage the transition. You will gain weight when you start to eat regular food but if you are eating fresh foods you will make it through. You will just need to be paitent.

    The up side, regular fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins taste way better than anything that Medifast gives you. If you can excercise, get to the gym. If you dont have a gym membership, get a pedometer. My hubby and I have Fitbit and we love it. It has been a competition to see who can get to 10K steps first each day. Move more, you will feel better.

    I will tell you that I felt like my metabolism got wrecked on Medifast. I will also tell you that the best thing that I ever did to fix it was limit my refined sugar and breads/rice and getting to the gym to lift weights. it has resulted in lost pounds and a significant decrease in joint pain (sugar= inflamation = pain in joints). Drink lots of water and please, please, please do not give up on making the healthy choices. Medifast is not a lifestyle change. It is too expensive and quite frankly, if you could afford it, why would you want to eat that food forever.

    good luck.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member

    Stop limiting your self in what you can or can't have unless you have a medical condition that requires avoiding (Celiac disease)or limiting (diabetes). I've lost without restricting myself to what I can or can't have. Everything in moderation and IIFYM. Weigh everything. Plan your meals. Limit sodium and prepackaged/processed foods. Drink water. All can be done with real foods. Best of luck!!
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I started researching to find something I could transition to and eat Low Carb, Low fat and eat food.
    So you're looking for a diet that is all protein all the time. :noway:

    Read the Sexypants thread, good stuff in there.