Calorie Obsession

I'm sure I'm not alone in this obsession, but I have become slightly addicted to the gym and I am MILITANT about my calories IN and calorie BURNED.

Here's my question...

At my current weight, being completely sedentary, I'm supposed to get 1650 calories per day which equals 11,550 per week. Now, every week, I burn off just about 4400 calories at the gym. When I add that to my calorie intake allowance, it equals 15,950.

When I divide that by 7 days, it comes about to about 2250 calories allowed per day. Some days I eat much less, some days I might eat just enough.

I've been maintaining for the last few months. Is this math correct? I'm freaking out because I think I could be wrong at determining my caloric allowance and how much I burn.

Can anyone help alleviate some of my stress? Thanks!!


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I've been maintaining for the last few months.
    Is this math correct?

    Assuming you mean you have been keeping your weight round about your goal then I think you have answered your own question!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Then you are eating at maintenance! Is that your question?
  • LaciMatthews77
    I guess my question is that, is the math correct to determine HOW MUCH I should be eating at maintenance? I think I did it right. I'm just worried (even though I've maintained for so long at this caloric intake/burn) that I'll start gaining weight.
  • auntfi34
    auntfi34 Posts: 1 Member
    If you are at your goal weight then keep doing what you're doing to maintain. If you want to lose weight you'll have to burn a little more or eat a little less. The ups & downs should cancel each other out during the week provided they aren't too extreme.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I guess my question is that, is the math correct to determine HOW MUCH I should be eating at maintenance? I think I did it right. I'm just worried (even though I've maintained for so long at this caloric intake/burn) that I'll start gaining weight.

    Your real world results are that you are maintaining...your concern is irrational.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I'm sure I'm not alone in this obsession, but I have become slightly addicted to the gym and I am MILITANT about my calories IN and calorie BURNED.

    Here's my question...

    At my current weight, being completely sedentary, I'm supposed to get 1650 calories per day which equals 11,550 per week. Now, every week, I burn off just about 4400 calories at the gym. When I add that to my calorie intake allowance, it equals 15,950.

    When I divide that by 7 days, it comes about to about 2250 calories allowed per day. Some days I eat much less, some days I might eat just enough.

    I've been maintaining for the last few months. Is this math correct? I'm freaking out because I think I could be wrong at determining my caloric allowance and how much I burn.

    Can anyone help alleviate some of my stress? Thanks!!

    I think its just a bit confusing because of the terminology used

    Your TDEE is 1650
    You burn an extra 629 per day at the gym
    So you burn 2279 calories a day (on average)

    If you consume 2279 calories (on average) per day, then you have your maintenance
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'm sure I'm not alone in this obsession, but I have become slightly addicted to the gym and I am MILITANT about my calories IN and calorie BURNED.

    Here's my question...

    At my current weight, being completely sedentary, I'm supposed to get 1650 calories per day which equals 11,550 per week. Now, every week, I burn off just about 4400 calories at the gym. When I add that to my calorie intake allowance, it equals 15,950.

    When I divide that by 7 days, it comes about to about 2250 calories allowed per day. Some days I eat much less, some days I might eat just enough.

    I've been maintaining for the last few months. Is this math correct? I'm freaking out because I think I could be wrong at determining my caloric allowance and how much I burn.

    Can anyone help alleviate some of my stress? Thanks!!

    if are eating 2250 a day and maintaining, then you are in maintenance....

    so yes, 2250 is your maintenance calories...

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm sure I'm not alone in this obsession, but I have become slightly addicted to the gym and I am MILITANT about my calories IN and calorie BURNED.

    Here's my question...

    At my current weight, being completely sedentary, I'm supposed to get 1650 calories per day which equals 11,550 per week. Now, every week, I burn off just about 4400 calories at the gym. When I add that to my calorie intake allowance, it equals 15,950.

    When I divide that by 7 days, it comes about to about 2250 calories allowed per day. Some days I eat much less, some days I might eat just enough.

    Seems like your goal is maintenance and you are maintaining though so for now seems like there is no problem.

    I've been maintaining for the last few months. Is this math correct? I'm freaking out because I think I could be wrong at determining my caloric allowance and how much I burn.

    Can anyone help alleviate some of my stress? Thanks!!

    Your math is correct assuming the numbers you put in are correct (ie assuming your estimate for your calorie burn and RMR are correct).

    One thing your post lacks is a timescale. If you have been doing the exact same thing for 3 months and haven't lost or gained a pound I agree that you are at maintenance there. If, however, you have been doing this for say 3 weeks then that isn't enough time to really tell.

    Assuming your goal is maintenance and the fact that you are currently maintaining though seems like you should keep doing what you are doing.
  • LaciMatthews77
    I will be the first to say that I am quite irrational. I just need a little support. And I thank you all.
  • lujako
    lujako Posts: 87 Member
    WTG! Hittn the gym like that is good period! No weight gain! WOOT! Keep it up! :happy: