I need some help with my "diet"



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You have to pick your battles. I don't like pork, either, and I've never incorporated it into my diet. I also don't like fish but I've found two or three preparations that I don't mind and try to include it twice a week so that I don't have to take a fish oil supplement.

    I love berries but they are expensive. I don't know where you are or what your grocery options look like, but I watch the sales ads for cheap fruit whenever possible. Sometimes our local Aldi has raspberries or blackberries for a dollar. I also stock up on frozen berries whenever they go on sale.

    I'll never cut ice cream out of my diet, but I've made the decision to swap for lower calorie ice cream bars (fudgesicles, skinny cow bars, etc.) and skip the gelato except for special occasions.

    You don't mention whether or not you're tracking your food here and I don't know how your goals are set. By eating a varied diet and keeping an eye on your macros you should still be able to lose weight eating the foods you love in moderation.

  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    I hate the taste of fruit... and as far as non-starchy foods I just don't grab them first...

    Do you cook? If not, do you want to start? I overhauled my diet by learning how to cook, and I just started following recipes. I still follow recipes for the most part. There are many recipe resources out there to go along with every diet style imaginable.

    Success is all in finding something that works for you! If you hate ____, then don't eat it, plain and simple. I would suggest finding more things you do like so that you have variety and get more nutrients in your diet. For every starchy veggie you pick up, pick up a leafy green or pepper or whatever.
  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    I would like to offer the following suggestions (steps) and maybe you have completed some already:

    1. Try smaller size burger than normal
    1. Have your burger without the bun
    2. Switch to ground turkey

    I too am at a plateau and I continually tell myself I won't go back. If you don't make changes to the type and amount of food you are consuming you will see the pounds creep back.

    As for the fruits, have you tried them in a smoothie? Just a suggestion.

    Best of luck on your journey!
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I used to hate the taste of fruit too except for berries...but I think I read somewhere that you need to try things at least 10-15 times before you write them off completely. Also I've found my tastes have changed drastically in the last 10 years. So something you used to hate, may be you can tolerate now. Like I still HATE bananas but I've added apples, oranges, avocados and pineapple to my list of fruits I can eat.

    I actually love apples now with almond butter and eat one every day.
    So just keep trying stuff is my suggestion.

    Sugar is so hard to kick. So I find the less like cake, cookies, candy I eat the less I crave it.
    Just be patient, I've been doing this 2 years and for me it's been a slow, slow process.

    Good Luck to you! :drinker:
  • 1. Put your info in here at MFP, let them set up how many calories to eat for how much you'd like to lose.
    2. Buy a digital food scale.
    3. Log every food that goes into your mouth, and use the food scale in grams and ounces whenever possible to measure your food. Always remember that oil, and butter used in preparation of the food, has to be logged.
    4. Stay under or at your calorie goal on most days.
    5. Be persistent and don't let up with the exception of an occasional maintenance day (ask here on MFP if you aren't sure what that is and by occasional, I mean no more than once every 2 weeks)
    6. Watch your numbers move down on the scales!

    *Don't worry yet about what you are eating, but stay within your calorie limit.
    *Eating high protein/high fiber foods makes you feel full longer!
    *Don't ever lie to yourself and not log something or log it wrong on purpose!
    *Eating better will come with watching how much more food you can fit into your allotted calories by limiting your sweets and starches. I still have chocolate almost every day, but I weigh it out and stay within my limits with it.

    CONGRATS ON ALL THE WEIGHT YOU'VE LOST! That shows me that you must be serious about this, and that you aren't just playing around. I truly hope you get to goal, and come back with before and after pics!!!!! :)
  • FitterinaBallerina
    FitterinaBallerina Posts: 18 Member
    Wow, well depending on how what your weight loss goals are, you may be looking at a lifestyle change.
    I can't see your diary, and you haven't provided too much information but with the foods you love, we know that they are all high in calories and fat as well as sodium and sugar.

    This is probably going to be a long road to create an eating plan that will compliment what you're doing for exercise.

    I would suggest small steps for sure. Rather than completely cutting foods you love out, I would take baby steps to eating better.

    For example if you eat a dessert at every meal, and you eat 3 meals a day...maybe just eat a dessert at 2 out of 3 of your meals. If you like hamburgers...maybe get the bun on the side to help lower carb intakes to make up for added sugars in your desserts.

    If you eat snacks that are high in calories...let's say you snack three times a day. Snack 1: Chips, Snack 2: Popcorn, Snack Three: a Candy Bar. Make one of those snacks a healthier choice...you don't like fruits on their own, but could you maybe try them blended in a smoothie? Or Eat veggies with a fun dip like a ranch sauce...then eventually switch the ranch to something healthier like hummus.

    I would set little weekly goals for yourself like that.
    Week 1: Eat 1 less Dessert
    Week 2: Eat Dessert at only 1 meal
    Week 3: Eat A Veggie Snack
    Week 4: Eat a Fruit Smoothie Snack
    Don't stress about completely changing everything about your diet tomorrow! Because you'll probably end up bingeing or over eating the foods you love later. Which may cause you to begin gaining the pounds you have worked so hard to lose.

    I've seen a lot of people mention portion control. That is very important as well! If you don't have a food scale, I'd recommend getting one. This way you can stop guessing how many ounces of hamburger your eating, or cheese etc. Also, read labels. Eat only the suggested serving sizes of your processed foods (or less than what's suggested). This way instead of eating a whole bag of M&M's you just eat a handful. That will satisfy your sweet tooth without completely blowing your calorie intake.

    Also, sometimes when I plateau, I change up my workout routine. It can be simple things like, doing longer cardio sessions, if I do a group fitness class like Zumba for a month, next month I'll switch up to a pilates class, etc. You're body eventually gets used to the same routine all time and eventually your results tend to slow down because of that. Kick start your weight loss again by switching up your workout routine.

    Also, you have to drink water! Even if it has lemon in it. It's better than nothing! Cut out the sugary drinks...those are bad! Drink a glass of water before every meal. This will also help you eat less as it will help you feel fuller before you even dig in to your hamburgers.

    Good luck! I hope this helps :D
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    At a certain point you won't be able to exercise off bad eating habits.. your at that point.. time to get serious with your eating habits and calorie counts.

    I think you know what needs to be done.
