Another 30 Day Shred Knee Pain Victim

Hey all! I had the idea of starting the 30 Day Shred last week, and by the third day, I knew my knees were taking a beating beyond just the typical soreness, so I modified the jumping movements. I decided I should take a break after day 6, which was Saturday, because I feared I was doing more harm than good even after the modifications. I'm not sure if I'll return to the workout at all, though, which is a shame, because I did feel it was working.

I realize I probably should have researched the routine better, or at the least taken it a bit easier to start, considering I haven't done a workout like that for a long time. I've never had knee problems before this at all, though, and I'm starting to get a bit worried.

Before anyone says I didn't have proper form... possibly, day 1 or 2, but once I realized the pain I had my husband watch me do each move to compare to Jillian, and paid super close attention to my knee placement at all times.

The pain started on the outside of both knees, and today, it randomly moves around... sometimes the top of my knees hurt, sometimes the back, sometimes the inside. Sometimes it doesn't hurt at all until there's a slight jarring motion of any kind. I don't believe them to be swollen. They don't hurt to touch, just sometimes when walking, going up/down stairs, and any side-to-side motion. Judging by that, I'm hoping I haven't really injured anything, but just overworked them. I did use the elliptical yesterday, but as of today I plan on stopping any knee-related exercise until it clears up. If it doesn't get better soon, I will see a doctor, but was just wondering if any of you had experienced something similar, and how long the issue might last?


  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    How old are your shoes? I always get knee pain if I'm wearing shoes that are too old and broke down.
  • The first day I didn't wear shoes, and quickly learned my lesson from then on! They aren't new by any means, maybe a few years old, but not with a lot of use or worn down.
    How old are your shoes? I always get knee pain if I'm wearing shoes that are too old and broke down.