Does anyone else get hooted at while running?



  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Sometimes. There's a park with a 1 mile track around it a few minutes from my house (so thankful for it) but during the 3 minutes it takes to run down the main street to the park is where the hooting occurs. Like others have said, it's been both positive and negative, and the same exact stuff happened when I was overweight too. While running on the track though, I've had a little old lady who was walking give me a thumbs up and a teenage girl said "good job!". There are all types in this world. Just be one of the good ones and the rest doesn't matter. :)
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    Never been yelled at but, the pan handlers always ask me for change. Come to think of it, I AM changing so maybe there is something to that!
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    I'm in NY... we're all miserable and not very friendly, so I never hear much when I run. The occasional motorist will honk at me, but that's it. Sometimes people will smile at my very cute dogs that I run with, but other than that, tend to leave me alone. Just the way I like it!

    In NY as well the only time I get hollard at is by old stoop sitting men or 14 year olds, the 14 year olds are more complementary and less intrusive than the old guys. I get a lot of smiles from other runners as well.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    Where are you running? Are you just cruising the neighborhood, heading to main roads, or running/walking paths? I have found that no matter what your stage of physical fitness is, if you stick to areas that contain other fitness minded people, you won't run into as many ignorant/insensitive people. People who frequent these areas have either been there or understand. Running on a main road will probably be your highest probability of encountering them.

    Regardless of where you're running, is there something about the way you're dressing that could draw attention? (Ex: Brightly colored (neon), revealing, odd phrase or not the right size)

    Some people might get upset with my suggestions... "It's her right to run wherever she wants" or "what does it matter how she's dressed?". I agree people should be able to go through life without being harassed or made to feel uncomfortable. However, I live in a place called reality and accept the fact the world is full of cruel a-holes.
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    When I used to run regularly in my old neighborhood, there were several people who lived in houses along my route that were my 'running friends'. We had short little conversations as I passed, and sometimes they would cheer me on or count my laps. It was nice during warmer weather. The contractors, gardeners, and city employees that did work in the area were always friendly and well-behaved. They would talk to me briefly, ask if I was training for a race, etc, but were never lewd or flirtatious.

    However, a few times I was catcalled by passing cars, but never by pedestrians. I choose to believe they never said anything unsavory/ sexually harassing for fear that I'd chase them down and retaliate! :laugh: I never felt terribly unsafe running inside the neighborhood, even in the evenings. I take the yelling and harassment pretty seriously, and would have definitely responded to it, had the opportunity ever presented itself.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I wear my headphones to drown the ladies out, but I often find it difficult to run when they fling their unmentionables at me.
    Oops, sorry bout that. We didn't mean to trip you.

    I totally meant to trip him.
  • Yeah, it happens.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Where are you running? Are you just cruising the neighborhood, heading to main roads, or running/walking paths? I have found that no matter what your stage of physical fitness is, if you stick to areas that contain other fitness minded people, you won't run into as many ignorant/insensitive people. People who frequent these areas have either been there or understand. Running on a main road will probably be your highest probability of encountering them.

    Regardless of where you're running, is there something about the way you're dressing that could draw attention? (Ex: Brightly colored (neon), revealing, odd phrase or not the right size)

    Some people might get upset with my suggestions... "It's her right to run wherever she wants" or "what does it matter how she's dressed?". I agree people should be able to go through life without being harassed or made to feel uncomfortable. However, I live in a place called reality and accept the fact the world is full of cruel a-holes.

    I got yelled at once - I hadn't realized my biking shorts were kinda see through when I was in the aero position. :blushing: The guy was an *kitten*, but really, he did my a favor. Threw those as soon as I got home!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Not that I know of, but I wear earphones and listen to books when I run, so generally I am paying attention to the story.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Dear OP,

    Were you wearing this shirt?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    No, but I do like to go to Hooters and enjoy a giant pork tenderloin.

    That's what you go there to enjoy?


    Have you ever had their giant tenderloin?


    The photo is a good argument. It does look rather tasty.

    It's O.M.G. tasty.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Dear OP,

    Were you wearing this shirt?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    hahaha, nickelbacks so lame
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I wear my headphones to drown the ladies out, but I often find it difficult to run when they fling their unmentionables at me.
    Oops, sorry bout that. We didn't mean to trip you.

    I totally meant to trip him.
    Well, I do wish I'd thought of it... He'd have been easier to catch that way.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I wear my headphones to drown the ladies out, but I often find it difficult to run when they fling their unmentionables at me.
    Oops, sorry bout that. We didn't mean to trip you.

    I totally meant to trip him.
    Well, I do wish I'd thought of it... He'd have been easier to catch that way.

    That screaming thing he does though, WHILE running... Yeah. You can have him. :noway:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    occasionally. I was near a gym and it happened- often time people who knew me would hollar- I always ran with my shirt off- which I willingly admit contributes- but its' nice to run sans shirt.

    Moved recently and I live outside of Trenton- I don't run much- but I'm sure as *kitten* not running with my shirt off unless it's at the school track and it's well lite- not down the side the street.

    Location does make a difference- near a park- no biggie- but out on open streets- tends to draw more attention.

    I was running once- and a heard a car turn on to my road (I had just turned around at the intersection and was headed back- slow and then go past me- pulled over to the curb about 40 or so yards ahead- I kept running...

    listening (I don't run with music) after I passed the car- nothing nothing nothing- then engine.

    Drove up little past me- then rolled the window down (he was on the other side) and said- hey I don't mean to be creepy but what you're doing is working for you- keep up the good work.

    Totally creepy.

    And I take compliments pretty well. Shrug- I was totally planning an escape route. Also why I don't run with head phones- I just don't feel safe with them on.

    it happens. gotta be prepared and be polite without pissing off the wrong person or accidentally opening an "invitation" to more conversation.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I wear my headphones to drown the ladies out, but I often find it difficult to run when they fling their unmentionables at me.
    Oops, sorry bout that. We didn't mean to trip you.

    I totally meant to trip him.
    Well, I do wish I'd thought of it... He'd have been easier to catch that way.

    That screaming thing he does though, WHILE running... Yeah. You can have him. :noway:

    I've been guilty of lots of things while running, but screaming the whole way isn't one of them :)