Hi I'm new and looking for someone to challenge me...

My name is Jessica. I am 33. I have some health issues and my Doctor would like to see 50 lbs off before I have surgery. I find no motivation doing this alone. I say that but I do have some motivation which is my one year old daughter. I am wanting to have this surgery so I can be more productive for her. Well and for myself. If I was feeling better I think I'd get moving more and so on. It would also be nice to get some picts with my daughter rather then hiding from the camera. I'd love to find someone who will keep me going. remind me why I want this weight gone. Some one who will question my eating. Question my lack of excerise... perhaps a friend that can hear my complaints and achievements...like wise i'd like to be able to do the same in return.

my goal is to loose 60 lbs altogether. a short term goal I have is to finish a 5k the weekend of Thanksgiving.


  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I'm here to help and hear you out anytime. I'm just like you I want to live a long and healthy life for my two kids. I'm 35 and I have to lose 30lbs I've lost 11 so far I see and feel the difference. You can count on me and a lot of people on this site. We are all on the same boat here


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I'm not willing to be your babysitter - but I'm good for a kick in the *kitten* when you need one.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • bigtosmall
    bigtosmall Posts: 6 Member
    good for you to take on something like a 5 k. just remember it is the small goals that will build up and make you strong. I'm not sure I could ever do a 5k.. you owe this to yourself. keep going