Arms Help!!

I've been working out Cardio 3x a week and Lifting/Toning 3x a week with a single day off. Great, right I'm losing weight and inches, in fact, I've lost 20 inches off my body overall. I'm very excited about that


I have a formal event coming up in just a little over 2 weeks and my arms are fighting me. I've lost 1.5 inches off them which is great and they are looking a bit better but I really want to get them even better since I'm wearing a strapless dress.

What can I do to really get them even more toned and slimmed down for my event?
I know it won't happen overnight and I'm not looking for that I just want to see or know if there is anything I can do to really get them better. I know it's a short time and I'm know I'm kinda looking for a "quick fix" but someone out there I'm hoping will have some idea's on what I can do in a short amount of time to get them even better!!



  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Probably not going to be anything that will change your arms much in just 2 weeks. For long term though, nothing will beat lifting heavy. Not toning - I mean picking up a barbell. Fat will leave your body as it chooses. Lifting heavy with a program like Stronglifts or New Rules of Lifting for Women will help the shape of your arms as you lose the fat.

    So for your immediate problem, if you are that uncomfortable with your arms - find a dress to flatter your body NOW. Have fun!
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    My one friend (who is a trainer) suggested that since my arms are fit under the fat, to up, as in double my weights instead of several reps at the lower weights to up the weight and do less reps. He also suggested varying my lifting routine. He thought this might make the muscle "pop" a bit.

    It makes sense to me, I suppose I'm just looking for other idea's to this as well.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Short of liposuction, there's not much you can do in 2 weeks. When you lose fat, it comes off your body where it wants to, not where you want it to and there are no exercises that target fat in a specific area, that's impossible. You just have to keep eating at a calorie deficit, eating plenty of protein, and lifting heavy.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I agree with your trainer. IMHO women are never as flabby as they think they are! Go, smile a lot, watch those calories, and have a great time NOT worrying about your arms :smile:
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    As someone else said, wear something that flatters your body shape. Also, if I'm wearing something that shows a little more skin, I always use a self-tanner. I tell myself, tan fat looks better than white fat!
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    Truth on the Tanning lol!!

    I do have to start doing that and my on friend is a master at spraying me thin looking lol!!