Do you eat your dyed eggs?



  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    In my family we always boil the eggs and then leave them out for a few days until they are all gone. And I am still alive.

    Also, we dye our eggs with onion peels. They are incredibly pretty :)

    edit: Found apicture. Not our eggs, but this is what they look like....
  • Dedshot
    Dedshot Posts: 145
    Yes, but not before the "Egg Wars". The champion egg always tastes the best.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Yes. Next question.
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    Not a dumb question at all. Dumb are the people who don't eat them! What a waste... It's not like that eat the shell. O__o
  • jennalennafur
    jennalennafur Posts: 80 Member
    Of course you can eat them! I enjoy my eggs a lot more when they're pink or blue. :p
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    when I was a kid we didn't know anything about food temperature safe zones. I am pretty sure those eggs were out 24 hours sometimes. at the end of it they all got put in the fridge and ate over the next week or two. as far as I know we never got sick from it. (not sure how that is...) but I'm still alive..
  • angiek123
    angiek123 Posts: 29 Member
    Great. Now I want egg salad. LOL
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    What the heck else would I do with them?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I like of egg salad for a week after Easter! Yum! Ok, so sometimes it's a little blue, or green, or red... but who cares? Nom!
  • Da_Big_Kahuna
    Da_Big_Kahuna Posts: 117 Member
    Dumb question, but I see people say that you shouldn't eat them... Why not? I mean I don't leave them out for hours, they'll be boiled, put in the fridge, dyed, then put back in the fridge. I ate them 2 years ago and it was fine (some were blue, but still good, lol).

    I'm already planning on making a lot of egg/avocado salads...

    I agree that you should not eat dyed eggs... give 'em to me and I'll eat them!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Heck yes. I devil them and eat them with my easter ham! Nom Nom Nom. Last year I used a pinterest recipe where I dyed the egg itself rather than the shell - prettiest deviled eggs ever!