Must Lose 200 pounds or face Surgery



  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    Welcome! And congratulations on taking the first, most difficult steps on this road. Now you just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will make it one day :)

    Try not to get discouraged if you don't lose weight as fast or as consistently as you hope. People who make healthier choices and get more activity improve their health, even when the weight's not budging. Stick with it for the long haul and you'll make both your wife and yourself proud of what you can accomplish. Best of luck to you!
  • JonnyQwest
    JonnyQwest Posts: 174 Member
    with the weight you have to lose, you SHOULD be losing 16 pounds EVERY month, not in a few months. This will of course slow down once the water weight, etc slows down but if you commit to hardcore dieting and exercise you can do this.

    This is terrible and dangerous advice. OP, please ignore this ignorant commenter. Slow and steady wins in the long run. Good luck!
    Why is this ignorant??!!! I only had 40 pounds to lose and I lost it in 3 months and I am healthier than I have ever been....literally, by every single measure I am healthier than I have ever been......high blood pressure is GONE, high cholesterol is GONE, 40 pounds is GONE, energy is through the roof and working out everyday, outlook on life is great!!
    If he were to lose 16 pounds a month for the first few months when the weight loss is the fastest that would average less than 4 pounds a week as the water weight, etc tapered off and the weight slowed down to a normal rate of one to two pounds a week. Oooohhhh really dangerous!!!! LOL!!! What would YOU advise him to do? Lose 1 pound a week???? Hmmm, he would take 4 years to lose 200 pounds!!!!
    The only thing dangerous is having a loser attitude like yours that says take it easy, 200 pounds is no big deal, just take it slow and easy. Nothing good ever came to anyone with that kind of mindset.....if you want something bad enough you take it and make it happen.....If he is having health issues from that much excess weight then time is of the essence. But yeah, I guess that would be ignorant advice, LOL!!!