Need short-term motivators please

Hi! I have been realizing that a lot of the motivation for weight-loss has to do with less obvious or long-term reasons like healthy in old age, lower cholesterol, better cardio function, etc. These are all good reasons to lose weight of course but....

I need some sort-term motivators to help me stay on track on a daily basis. I need something that will give me positive feedback "right away" for healthy behaviors -- something besides "runners high" because I don't get that kind of energetic charge from exercise.

Part of the problem is that the rewards I would use for weight loss (such as a long soak in the tub), I reward myself with anyway for being good in other ways. :-)

I started a list and came up with a few things like, "feeling better after I eat right" and "not being bloated after eating salty foods."

I need more suggestions please? Thanks!


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    How about putting a dollar or 50 cents in a jar for every mile you walk/run? It can encourage you and you can save up for something really nice that you would not usually get.
    Also I have found if I can stay away from refined or added sugar I do not get the horrible cravings to over eat. When I drink enough water my face looks better. I can actually see more wrinkles when I am dehydrated. The sunrise at the end of an early morning walk is a great prize.
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    - hanging up some clothes so you can see them that 'nearly' fit. You know, the jeans that pull up but you can't button. Either ones that are already in your wardrobe, or buy something new.

    - For me, getting rid of headaches - when I stay off the sugar, I don't get headaches

    - Making the most of life, getting out and heading up the mountains, out for a walk by the sea, etc... The fitter I am the easier this is, I can go higher, faster, further, etc... You like hiking, so this should be easy to evaluate.

    - I know you said that you don't find the medical side of things that motivating. I work in a hospital. Looking at people who are sick makes me very conscious of the decisions I make now.

    - Sign up to a race or fitness challenge. When I first started out I signed up to a 5km race - the objective was to finish. It's very motivating to have something that you are doing on a date to keep you focused. I've a half marathon in July - I skipped running the last few days, but I was back out today - otherwise I won't be able to finish the race.

    Really motivation needs to come from within - but hopefully, you've got some ideas.