Starting to get complacent

Hi all!

I'm 5'4" F 121 lbs. My goal is to be 115lbs for my wedding. But because my body is already decently small, I've been having trouble sticking to my diet. My main issues are my arms and my stomach, which are the first places my body stores fat and if I want to see them shrink at all I really need to be devoted.

I guess what I'm asking is, how do you know when you have a body to be happy with? How do you motivate yourself when you're thin enough to get by?

Thanks :)


  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member

    I've never been fat in a real way, either. I am 5'9", and was 141lbs when I started MFP. Now, at 134.2lbs, I am seeing some real change. I'm not there yet, but I will be. I know exactly what you mean; I'm not unhealthy or unattractive. I could stop right here, right now, and be content.

    But is being simply content enough? You have the opportunity right now to be HOT. Not attractive, not cute, but hot. I started MFP because I was tired of looking into the mirror and mentally making little changes to myself. "Suck in your stomach, tilt you face, move your arms..." NO. Now that I am seeing some real changes in my body, I am excited. I never thought I would be able to face my reflection and see ME. The version of me in my head. How I have always hoped I looked like.

    So yes. I am fine where I am, but why be an 8 when you have the power to be a 10?
  • greeneyes972

    I've never been fat in a real way, either. I am 5'9", and was 141lbs when I started MFP. Now, at 134.2lbs, I am seeing some real change. I'm not there yet, but I will be. I know exactly what you mean; I'm not unhealthy or unattractive. I could stop right here, right now, and be content.

    But is being simply content enough? You have the opportunity right now to be HOT. Not attractive, not cute, but hot. I started MFP because I was tired of looking into the mirror and mentally making little changes to myself. "Suck in your stomach, tilt you face, move your arms..." NO. Now that I am seeing some real changes in my body, I am excited. I never thought I would be able to face my reflection and see ME. The version of me in my head. How I have always hoped I looked like.

    So yes. I am fine where I am, but why be an 8 when you have the power to be a 10?

    Girl I love your posts!!! I NEEDED this!!! work and relationship stress caused me to push my fitness on the back burner for a couple days, thinking i'm just fine for now. This was the kick in the butt I needed. Thanks :)