I have hit a wall.

I started the C25K program earlier this summer and was doing pretty well until the 20 minute runs. I was able to run it once with one short break but every other time I've attempted it I've not been able to do it with less than 3 walking breaks, which eats into my time. I try to make up for it by adding a couple minutes at the end but it's not the same as running it straight through.

I know I can do this. I'm not nearly as wiped out as when I started the program, and I'm tired, but it's a good tired.

How in the world do I get past this? It's been close to a month of struggling, and I have an actual 5K on the 24th that I would like to finish, and not be the last person to cross the line. I have a friend running the race with me, so that will help but I can't seem to wrangle anyone up to go with me now.


  • thenebean9
    What might work for you is doing some cross training - my mom who runs marathons is a very good runner, but found that her times started improving when she started doing Zumba with me. Perhaps getting your body other types of exercise can be beneficial to you in the long run when it comes to running. Also, don't give up! sometimes we just need to keep pushing and striving, and we'll get to where we want to be! Hang in there, and best of luck in your race! Regardless of what happens, you're a winner for getting out there and running that race, so be proud! :)
  • gupton11
    I have been using HIIT "High Intensity Interval Training" to increase my endurance and it has really worked. I prefer to do it on the treadmill, but you can really use any cardio equipment.

    Start with a 3-5 minute jog 3.5-4 miles an hour then crank it up to 6mph for 30-60 seconds and then back to 3.5-4mph for 1 minute. then you will want to repeat gradually increasing the sprint speed until you are sprinting as fast you can for 30 seconds. do this for 15-25 minutes followed by 10-20 minutes of walking or light jogging. I only do it 3 times a week and never back to back because it is very similar to a strength training exercise and works your fast twitch muscle fibers.

    For more info google HIIT there's tons of info out there on it.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Like Gupton I use interval training to improve my stamina and endurance - it's amazing what it can do for you xxx
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I'm doing C25K too, started week 6 on Monday and struggled with the 8 minute runs after having very little problem with the 20 minute run just 2 days earlier. I like the idea of running with someone else, encouragement is a great motivator. And for me, on that 20 minute run i set it in my mind that after the first 10 there was no point in quitting after that point. Since i was on a track i set markers for when i would allow myself to check the time, usually about every half-3/4 of a lap, so it ate up plenty of time...and by about 15 minutes i knew i couldn't stop.
    Not sure if any of this helps, especially since i'm no where near a 5K yet myself, but know you have others cheering you on!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Sometimes it's a mental thing... you start thinking about how hard it is and you are tired and you want to rest, then your brain takes over and that's what you do. On your next run, when you think you need that 1st walk break, tell yourself "no!" and keep going. Try to get over that over habit of stopping.

    I was doing the same thing.. there were certain spots on my run that I would stop to walk a little and take some water. When I ran with my husband, he asked, "why do you keep stopping at the same places?" It was just a habit for me and everytime I would get to those spots, I felt I HAD to stop. I had 2 stopping points.. I started by eliminating one of them for the next couple of runs and then eliminated the 2 stop after that.

    Sometimes you need to listen to your body and rest. But, sometimes, we have to push ourselves do more, go further, work harder.. it's the only way to get better!

    good luck on your 5K! :flowerforyou:
  • sgcorrie
    sgcorrie Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you all!

    I had wondered how to break into interval training, so this is definitely going to help. And thenebean9, I'm starting a month long Zumba class on Saturday!

    I really appreciate the advice!
  • workoutqueen628
    I know how you feel...i ran x-country in high school and my coach would always tell us that if we got tired to just keep running but slow our pace down, but not to walk because it eats at your time. I would say it's all mental, but if you feel the need to walk, just slow your pace down and do a light jog. Making an awesome playlist also helps to let your mind linger and help the time pass by quicker. Best of luck!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I did a 5k a few weekends back. I didn't do the couch to 5k. I use to walk a lot, but I have never been a runner. As a matter of fact, I was a smoker for most of my life. My cardio is for crap!
    Just don't stop. Find a pace, maybe a slower one, that you can stick with, and then just dont stop. I think I was at like 12 min miles, but that's ok. I did it.
    The 5k that I did was a breast cancer run. I have a friend that is dealing with breast cancer. My deal that I had with myself is that I was going to run as far as I could then walk the rest of the way.
    I didn't need to stop. I figure if these ladies are dealing with chemo, radiation, losing their breasts - I can run for 3.1 miles.
    You can do it.
  • sydcocktail
    I see all of you talking about C25k. What is it? It looks like something that I might be like! I've just started walking/jogging on the treadmill at the gym yesterday and today. Today for 15 mins and yesterday for 10.....and it's literally a jog at 5 mph/rpms. I HATE running so it's always a challenge for me so I'm looking for something new.

  • sgcorrie
    sgcorrie Posts: 22 Member
    Every one of you has upped my motivation! I feel better about going out there and just getting it done.

    Nina, C25K is a program that gets you to run a 5k (or for 30 minutes) in 9 weeks. The first week you alternate jogging for a minute and walking for 2 or 3 (I don't remember!) and you slowly work your way up to 30.

    But it sounds like you're doing awesome!
  • thenebean9
    Have fun at Zumba! I absolutely LOVE it! :D