Introducing myself!

Hi All,

I am a 34 year old Momma of 8 kiddos! Five are biologically ours while two where brought into the family through adoption. The last little one is a kinship care through Foster care. I go to school full-time and home school all five younger ones. In the midst of all of this I went from an athletic size 3 Momma to an frumpy size 13 Momma! My whole life is school and our kids, Which I don't mind but it is now time for ME! I am motivated this time to get back in shape and become healthier! My husband and I just ordered T25 and have started eating healthier and cleaner. I do not want to grow old being frumpy! I have set goals and hope to obtain them by this summer :-)

I am 5'4 and 34 (35 in June)
My start weight is 155
My goal weight is 125

Most importantly I want to be able to like what I see in the mirror and live a long healthy life with my wonderful hubby and kids! I hope to get to know some people here and get motivation!


  • Preed1013
    Preed1013 Posts: 11

    I'm new to Myfitnesspal too, I'm only on day 5. You can add me as a friend if you want, Its really encouraging and motivating to see the comments on your home page of how other people are shining or struggling with their fitness goals. The forums are really motivating or fun depending on which ones you pick. I didn't know that there were monthly fitness challenge groups but I will totally check that out. Welcome to My Fitness Pal I hope you achieve your fitness goals! :smile:
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member

    Michelle in Ohio
  • sandramfelix65
    I'm interested :) Just started 3 days ago . I really like the whole concept of myfinesspal : I own a restaurant and its really hard to find time to work out so I need like 20 min. workouts :) And lots of encouragement :) Thank you if you can help..........
  • misslovely97
    misslovely97 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow!! Very impressive
    If you don't mind me asking, what are you studying? :)

    I look forward to seeing you progress!
    Maybe we can motivate each other :)
