i am about to give up



  • McMekawi
    McMekawi Posts: 4 Member
    you lost 50lbs and with the first hiccup you lose faith and about to give up?? what gives!

    looks like you are pushing yourself too hard, and your body is getting defensive and retaining fats or what they call it a starvation mode.

    Celebrate what you've achieved already, enjoy your life as you live it, live healthy, eat well, and exercise, and and the body will take care of itself!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Please don't give up.
  • albajrai
    albajrai Posts: 12 Member
    zellturtle... I gave my self two weeks as rest... eating 2400 cal...just to sharpen my metabolism...even i stopped my workouts...then i reduced it to 2100 and start my workout. but nothing happened

    chandra2802 ... i am really happy with my new body....but i hope to get a new idea here , some experience or some words encourage me as your words.

    DerROK...Thanks for the links and support...but i am really well educated in nutrition...i will check them

    Aaron_K123... i am really considering giving my self and body some rest. I dont want even to see the scale.

    elljay91.... I already done...thanks

    eslcity...believe me it is water...muscles have some defensive response to damaging by absorbing some water.especially when heavy lifting .

    mspoopoo.... i just drink tea with stevia and water (:

    eldamiano.... thats why i reduced my calories ... i am trying different ways

    acpgee..... thanks for sharing your experience.. i might try this.
  • landerson234
    PLEASE increase your calorie intake. With all the exercising you are doing you need more cals. Your body is hanging onto everything it has because you are not feeding it enough every day. Just make sure what you eat is not "empty calories." Grab fruits, veggies and lean protein. Even foods with natural fats will help your metabolism--try nuts and avocados, etc. These are so good for your health, overall well being, and metabolism. You are being way too hard on yourself!! Look at how far you've come already. You rock:)
  • DerROK
    DerROK Posts: 14 Member

    DerROK...Thanks for the links and support...but i am really well educated in nutrition...i will check them

    Prob style you wrote your message in. As you mentioned many details, but nothing about ensuring you consumed 180g Protein (or 148g Protein if using the 1.8 per kg rather than the Ameican 1g per lb calculation) in your 1500 calories or about trying carb cycling and always ensuring you kept your healthy fat intakes up high for your hormones, then I doubt I would have wondered about your Nutrition which you barely mention.

    The workouts you mention are very demanding and I am sure that your body must want to add lb of LBM, so at 1500 calories I wondered if it had all the nutrients it needs to do that. Else, it may think it's starving and reacting defensively.

    Wish I was 30 again! You can add loads more LBM than I can in a year :wink:

    The big value of Will Brink's eBooks is he sometimes offers free forum membership for his forum bundled with it, where you get advice direct from him!

    I am sure you will find something that works for you: so many things like Intermittent Fasting, Carb Cycling to try before giving up.

    I hope you get through this bad patch and one day we are all reading your success story :smile:
  • albajrai
    albajrai Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for your support.
    After I read your posts.I decided to increase my calorie intake from 1500 to 1800. and decreased my workout burned calorie to 500.
    I already did that since two days. I feel better...not depressed any more. I guess I was pushing my body hard.
    I was following nutrition plan of p90x3 which suggesting 2400 - 2100 (40 c,30 p , 30 f) but now I will keep on 1800 cal

    I will see what happens and I will update this thread.
  • albajrai
    albajrai Posts: 12 Member
    I just would like to thank you all and tell you that my weight start moving down.
    After i increased my calorie from 1500 to 1800 and reduced my workout from 600 to 500 ... miracle happened
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    A. Go back up to 2400
    B. Start lifting weights (as in heavy weights). You'll see a much more dramatic change.