My Mother-in-law

AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
My mother-in-law told me recently that I had a big *kitten*.

I told her that it was preferable to HAVE a big *kitten* than to BE a big *kitten*.

I see this woman three times a year when my husband drags me there, kicking and screaming, caveman style.

My next visit is scheduled for Christmas week. (I don't spend Christmas Eve or Christmas Day with those people.)

I will be ten pounds lighter - 138 pounds.

Planning to wear something that will emphasize my big, round, beautiful Latin butt!


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    She's just jealous... you're awesome! :)
  • sorellabella
    sorellabella Posts: 133 Member
    :flowerforyou: OMG...:laugh: This really made me laugh out loud. I feel for you...hang in there. I just wanted you to know I loved your response!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Lose the weight for you, not her. She will never be pleased. When you lose weight she's the type to say that you're too skinny. Good luck!
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    YOU GO GIRL..... :happy:
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    :flowerforyou: OMG...:laugh: This really made me laugh out loud. I feel for you...hang in there. I just wanted you to know I loved your response!

    She didn't think it was funny AT ALL although the people in the room (yep... she said this in a room full of people I barely knew) did all they could to keep from bursting out.

    *tee hee*
  • HYeliab
    HYeliab Posts: 36
    LOL! That is excellent! Tell her that line again. It is priceless. I am sure she has her nice moments but that was clearly not one of them. Go get 'em!

  • Annista
    Annista Posts: 59 Member
    Great come back!!! She's jealous I'm sure.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    My mother-in-law told me recently that I had a big *kitten*.

    I told her that it was preferable to HAVE a big *kitten* than to BE a big *kitten*.

    I see this woman three times a year when my husband drags me there, kicking and screaming, caveman style.

    My next visit is scheduled for Christmas week. (I don't spend Christmas Eve or Christmas Day with those people.)

    I will be ten pounds lighter - 138 pounds.

    Planning to wear something that will emphasize my big, round, beautiful Latin butt!

    Some ppl are just not nice. say a little prayer for her to be kinder and just forget about it.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    I really lol when I read this. She might be getting dementia and didn't mean it, but if she is just a witch like that then it is for sure jealousy.
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    Lose the weight for you, not her. She will never be pleased. When you lose weight she's the type to say that you're too skinny. Good luck!

    I am most definitely doing this for me. Trust me... she has absolutely no influence, good or bad, on me. But I'm still wearing some slammin' leggings and skinny slutty heels. LOL
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    LOL! That is excellent! Tell her that line again. It is priceless. I am sure she has her nice moments but that was clearly not one of them. Go get 'em!


    Nope. Never a nice moment. Really struggles with me being Hispanic. Asked my husband one year what it is that I make for Thanksgiving.

    His answer:

  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Totally feel for ya as my witch of a mother-in-law is just the same...nasty!!
    I just wish I had the comebacks like you did!! Good job!

    But, afraid I agree with DanOhh...there's no pleasing a woman like that. I've tolerated mine for over 13 yrs. I've just refused to be around her anymore. I make hubby go without me. Thank God, they live in another state!!!
  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    Tell her you have a righteous *kitten*.

    Truth, I loved your response.
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    LOL! That is excellent! Tell her that line again. It is priceless. I am sure she has her nice moments but that was clearly not one of them. Go get 'em!


    Nope. Never a nice moment. Really struggles with me being Hispanic. Asked my husband one year what it is that I make for Thanksgiving.

    His answer:


    That is AWESOME. LMBO!!! I feel for you with the rude Mother in Law (she's not mine yet..but she will be). Just have to breathe and tell yourself she's jealous and her ugly opinion doesn't matter. Rock on!!
  • CrazyCatLadee2
    CrazyCatLadee2 Posts: 65 Member
    You go girl!! I wish I could say things like that to my mother -in-law. I have lost 60 pounds and she has yet to comment on that. Its like you have to be blind not to notice I have lost weight - no one in his family has said a word but they are super skinny athletic people - Oh well. I wish you all the best on achieving your 10 lb weight loss in time for Christmas! I know you can do it. You are beautiful inside and out - so she has to be jealous - so when you show up smokin hot at Christmas - shes going to feel like an *kitten*.

    Keep us posted!! Would love to hear how it goes!
  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    You go girl! Your response was so good! I wish I could think on my feet better like that!

    I feel for you ~ have had my share of snarky mother-in-law comments. My mother-in-law, when my husband told her we were expecting our first child, said to him, "How could you be so stupid. First you get married, now this!" Then she mentioned to me that I needed to watch my pregnancy weight gain because I was already chunky (I weighed about 145 on a 5'6" frame).

    I keep reminding myself that she raised a good man... ;)
  • HYeliab
    HYeliab Posts: 36
    Diva, this is just too priceless. You guys should have your own sitcom. Sounds you and your mother-in-law really make the most of your time together (snicker).

    I am glad you are able to put her in her place. Keep up that great Latina spirit. And keep on losing those lbs but not that Latina booty. (smile)

  • karlamw
    karlamw Posts: 17 Member
    :Good for you for standing up to her :)))) She sound like a mean person !!!! And she is probably just jealous of the BOOTAY :)))))) :bigsmile:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    haha that's MIL is to self centered to say anything to me, it's my SIL that i could drop kick in the pee flaps...and she must be pushing 350lbs...and she keeps telling me that i'm not healthy, and that i'm not losing weight right...what's not right? i eat properly, i work out 4 days a week...i've never felt better! and i only have 53lbs to lose, she has about 200! but thankfully i don't see her much...thank goodness because my karma would go right out the door...stay strong lady, you're right, your MIL did raise a good mom always says "you can't choose your in laws, just like you can't help who you love"
  • Good response to her... I wouldnt want to be around her if she said things like that often... And I would tell my husband that also.... Are even invite her to my house are go to hers... That was not nice at all... I am glad you joined M FP for you not her...
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