30 day shred results



  • meerkat2012
    meerkat2012 Posts: 7 Member
    HI :) I just started yesterday -ive watched the DVD several times haha but never 'participated'. I cant wait to see the results also-hopefully itll be worth it!.

    I found it really hard and almost gave up in 5 mins bbut i pushed to the end and was glad i did afterwards. Im so glad no one can see me do it because theyd probably need a lot of therapy afterwards lol. At one stage i was just rolling around on the floor-i struggled to get from the floor back up again every time she changed moves. I cant do proper back kicks or jumping jacks because of my knees so i adapt it-i just try to make sure i dont stop moving and can at least feel something burning. I also do push ups off the wall. I actually enjoy the strength part with the weights but i HATE the cardio part. I live in house with 3 other people so i do it in my bedroom and am very self conscious of the noise of my weight pounding up and down on the floor( i feel like the house is shaking!)

    So today my legs arent too bad but my upper body and abs are sore-and i know it will probably be worse on day 3 or 4 so im planning to just push and do at least as much as i can.With the pain though I do get a nice feeling of being able to actually feel that i worked my muscles and did something good. Hopefully ill be able to keep at it.
  • twinkles2121
    twinkles2121 Posts: 137 Member
    Oh - also - my knees hurt like crazy at first. :( I complained all the time about it. I did get better shoes and that probably helped but they hurt for a good two months (I did 30DS, then two weeks of something else, then 30DS again). My knees though - OMG. I told myself that I would finish this second round and if they still hurt so bad I would go see a doctor. I don't have any history of knee injury but I have fallen arches. They finally started feeling a little better a couple of weeks ago. I have no idea if that was a muscle strengthening need or what - but thought I would share.

    I found this too. I wore knee braces for the first two levels and took my time doing the lunges. I'm day 2 of level 3 and I don't need the braces anymore. I attributed it to the extra weight of my body and that I've never really done that kind of exercise/movements before.
  • hopper602
    hopper602 Posts: 204 Member
    I completed day 5 of level 1 today. its taken me 9 days due to life happening. level 1 really kicks my *kitten* and im dripping sweat by the end. First two days i had to take breaks and rest for a few mins and drink water but now im doing them all the way through. I'm getting better each time i feel like. I took a peek at level 2 and that one looks like it should destroy me up doing stuff ive never even thought about doing.

    good luck to all, once I finish it I plan on posting results. I am eating at a deficit as well and really looking to burn fat and inches more than worry about the scale.
  • momsoup
    momsoup Posts: 15 Member
    day 7 of level 1 ...no oomph today. not because I was overly sore just no get up n go :-( I haven't taken any rest days because it will just be harder for me to keep going. I have to push myself or one excuse leads to another. for example yesterday I went 55 over my calories by having a little bit of sherbert after supper. then my girls wanted a cookie for snack before bed and I said to myself why not have 1 or 2 I've already gone over for the day anyways...so I did and instead of 55 over I ended up bein like 200 over!! I am my own worse enemy. that is why I am so glad to be on this group to get some motivation and share successes.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    day 7 of level 1 ...no oomph today. not because I was overly sore just no get up n go :-( I haven't taken any rest days because it will just be harder for me to keep going.

    I didn't take any rest days in the first three weeks either - for that very reason.

    I take one a week now and I find I do feel much less worn down. I encourage you to try taking just one day off next week. You might get the oomph back.

    I wake up early to do mine and so sacrificing sleep doesn't help but I don't know what else to do with my schedule. I don't want to sacrifice that last hour of my day when I can do whatever i want either. So - the one extra hour of sleep mid week probably helps as much as anything else.

    ETA: Also - I didn't really know a lot about fueling the body and have learned a lot reading here.. I didn't eat a lot of protein because it isn't really my thing but upping it has also probably helped.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I've done this during the summer before, and I definitely slimmed down all over by the end of it. But the biggest change I saw was in my running. I started running faster and easier because I finally had strong(ish) supporting muscles. So for me that's the biggest plus-side. It's a great program and, when it starts to get tough, just remind yourself: It's only 20 minutes/day for JUST 30 days! :)
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    day 7 of level 1 ...no oomph today. not because I was overly sore just no get up n go :-( I haven't taken any rest days because it will just be harder for me to keep going.

    I didn't take any rest days in the first three weeks either - for that very reason.

    I take one a week now and I find I do feel much less worn down. I encourage you to try taking just one day off next week. You might get the oomph back.

    Also this! I took 1 day off per week (usually Sundays). So then it ended up being, like, 35 days. But at least one rest day a week helps your muscles heal and get stronger. I'm not sure why she doesn't include rest days in the program from the get-go.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    30DS is awesome. She did annoy me a little, but it was an excellent workout. I noticed a big difference everywhere. I can't for sure say how much weight I loss because that was back in December and I wasn't real good about taking progress pics and writing down scale numbers.

    I went from 30DS to Insanity. Now i'm doing T25.

    I did the full 30 days of the shred because I really liked being on a schedule. If you keep it up, you will get some pretty great results. :) Diet has to be in check too though. Good luck!
  • liddienicole
    liddienicole Posts: 45 Member
    Day 2 of 30 day shred here! sooo sore but I kind of like this soreness - at least I know it's doing something!
    I tried 3DS once before with my boyfriend and we both gave up after a day as it was so intense. He's refusing to do it with me now lol but I'm so happy with myself just for getting past day 1 and I'm actually excited to do the rest of it.
    I had to take a break half way through yesterday and nearly gave up, and today no breaks (long ones anyway) and didn't feel quite as tough as yesterday! (although still tough!)
    My worst exercise is the squats where you have to put your arms in the air with your weights - oh my god they kill me! But I don't mind ab exercises too much. Are there any groups anywhere for people doing 3DS? :) x
  • Jlmervin03
    Jlmervin03 Posts: 152 Member
    Wondering if I could supplement this workout on the days I don't go to the gym?
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    I didnt do day 3 today as we are decorating i just couldnt fit it in but am hoping to do day 3 tomorrow even if its in the evening as weridly i missed doing it this morning lol
    Suppose you coukd do the dvd in days off from gym maybe give it a try and see how you get on :-)
  • ouzolemonade1
    ouzolemonade1 Posts: 7 Member
    Her voice drives me crazy too so I turn the volume down and play my favourite CD x
  • momsoup
    momsoup Posts: 15 Member
    one week results... I didnt lose any weight and I gained an inch in my thighs!! :-( but I did lose an inch in my waist, biceps, bust, shoulders, and butt!!!! woowoo! :-D definately motivating for me!
  • doodaleedo
    doodaleedo Posts: 1 Member
    I just did level 1 day 1. It's the third time I'm doing the 30DS over the past few years and the first time I didn't feel like DEATH right after.

    I'm 99% sure it's because I did Leslie Sansone's Walk it Off in 30 Days video for the past few weeks. I didn't really follow the program the way she lays it out, but the Firm workout has similar strength training and the Burn portion features bouncing and skaters. I feel a lot more prepared for Jillian than I have before. Figured it was worth mentioning!
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    After one week of doing Jillian DVD's (1x/day 6 days a week) plus my normal runs (6x's/week), I lost 0.7 pounds and 2.75" (1.5 from my waist alone). As I haven't done strength training very consistently in a few years, I think my muscles are likely retaining some water, so hoping the lbs drop quicker after the first few weeks, but I'll take the inches lost! Just finished my 4mi run, now off to do level 1 of 30DS (will be the 3rd time)!
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    Never did 30 day shred but I have done alot with ripped in 30 (also a Jillian DVD), Last summer when I did 5-6 times a week I lost 21 lbs in prob a month-month an a half, that included eating right and logging every day. I just started again 6 days ago and although it is hard, gets easier every time. I personally love at home routines and would recommend this for anyone, I only do the week one bc I feel at 250 lbs that is tough enough for me but there are actually 4 different workouts and they are intense you WILL lose weight using these if you stick to a sensible meal plan. I know prob not the info you were looking for since I use a diff one but hope it helps good luck!!!!
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    Wondering if I could supplement this workout on the days I don't go to the gym?

    That's exactly what I did for 2 months. I worked out at the gym 3x a week and for the other days did the Shred level 1. Eventually I got used to level 1 and moved to level 2. Now I'm doing the shred full time (plus running) as my gym membership has expired.

    I think it really works wonders even as a supplementary workout. You can progress through the levels (as I did) even without doing it everyday. And for 25 mins its an awesome kick butt workout!
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Never did 30 day shred but I have done alot with ripped in 30 (also a Jillian DVD), Last summer when I did 5-6 times a week I lost 21 lbs in prob a month-month an a half, that included eating right and logging every day. I just started again 6 days ago and although it is hard, gets easier every time. I personally love at home routines and would recommend this for anyone, I only do the week one bc I feel at 250 lbs that is tough enough for me but there are actually 4 different workouts and they are intense you WILL lose weight using these if you stick to a sensible meal plan. I know prob not the info you were looking for since I use a diff one but hope it helps good luck!!!!

    I started Ripped in 30 on Yesterday. I tried it once before and quite after Week 2 because it was so hard, lol. I plan to stick it out this time - although I have not even watched the last two weeks so we'll see, lol. My legs are sore though so it is nice to switch things up a bit.
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    Just started 30DS again (well gonna fit it in whenever i can so not stopping it just not sure i can fit it in everyday) havent done it for 4days so thought I would make it harder and use 1litre bottles of water as weights and my arms are aching now hopefully will notice some changes soon to help me stay motivated (also am eating healthy and trying to log everything too)
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    I just got this today and am starting it on May 1st. After reading this feed i am both excited and scared :) i do cardio now 4-5 days a week and now am looking to start strength training. Lots of GOOD advice on here :D