help me be normal

jaschabordon Posts: 1 Member
edited November 7 in Getting Started
hey guys !!
i'm new here , i finally reached my goal!!

i used to be very overweight , since my early childhood i found myself i a constant battle with my mother over my terible cravings
on my 17 at my worst i was 145 kg , i stayed kind of steady till i was 21 and then dicided it was enough
my first weigh in in the gym was 142 kg and worst : 38,2% fat

but now the good news ( i'm now 24) my last weighin was : 79,2 kg , 11.8% fat , 68,4 lbm

however i never had a normal eating patern and during weightloss i would just eat less and hit the gym sometimes 2 and a half hour a day , every day just to loose the bad food i eat the night before or i would not eat the whole day till late in the evening , obviously very bad .....

im trying just do normal stuff do normal workout more like 3 to 4 time a week 1hour high intens trainings and learn to eat normal without the cravings and selftortures . and also i dont have the time anymore to spent that much time in the gym like i used to
,i screwed up very bad after the summer by overdeu proteinhigh/low carb diet and started now to learn a bit about nutrition , bought a books about the metabolsim and stuff , i even got a fitbit one and a polarloop but dont know if these are right
it seems after 4 weeks of usage that i have a calorie deficiet over -16000
i did al my daily activities witout problem ( being tired or grumpy)
same for my workouts at the gym

i checked multiple times all the settings and different forums and it seems i have all setups right
anyone else have the same ?


  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Jascha weet je dat er ook een Nederlands forum is? Daar kun je misschien wat makkelijker uitleggen wat je precies bedoelt :smile:

    Als je naar Home gaat en dan "Nederlands" kiest, dan kom je op het Nederlandse forum. En als je je logboek op openbaar zet, is het makkelijker voor anderen om je advies te geven.
  • Ik kan er niet op komen. Ik zie het nergens staan :(
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