
I started doing planks today and my abs are killing me, to say the least. They are probably one of the best core exercises that I could recommend to anyone. I am doing 30 second hold times for now but hope to work up to 60 second. These are one of the hardest toning exercises that can be done. If you watch The Biggest Loser you will see them doing them all the time. They are one of Bob's favorite "torture" techniques.


  • lordofultima
    Indeed, planks are a great isometric exercise for your core, not just those ab muscles but your whole torso. They are the precursor to more difficult core stabilization exercises, such as L-sits, Lever Pull-ups, etc.
  • junebug523
    Planks are vicious, but I love 'em. They have definitely made me stronger!! Are you just doing holds, or are you doing other moves as well? You can hold yourself in plank while you move your legs in and out (i.e. working inner/outer thighs), lift one leg to your chest and twist to the opposite side to really target the obliques, plank rows, etc.
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    I just started doing them so I am taking it easy for now. I used to do them back in College but stopped. My core needs the work, goodness knows. I think I will start with the holds and then work up to the rows and other variations. Don't want to hurt myself in the beginning...LOL. Oh, and thanks for the list, I will sure keep them in mind when I do advance. :smile: