Allergy meds

Hey guys,

It just occurred to me that I should share something with you all.

Two years ago I was having a bad allergy spell. I don't usually use Reactine, but I got some for from my mother, so I figured I would use it that season. Free, right? It was the extra strength stuff and the prescription strength (basically the equal of taking 2 pills). I used that all allergy season long.

By the end of that fall I had gained 20 pounds. I was so confused because while I might be overweight, I'd maintained that same weight give or take five points for over 10 years. It didn't makes sense that I had changed nothing and was up 20 lbs. I freaked out and lost the 20 pounds quick to get back to my normal weight.

My mom (she works in the medical field) found out that Reactine can cause some people to gain a lot of weight. It isn't listed on the sheets, she only found out because the company drug rep mentioned it to her as people had started complaining. So I thought I would pass that along as spring comes.


  • rmbuchok
    rmbuchok Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2015
    I realize this is a late response but I am so happy i read this! I started on Reactine for really bad eczema and allergic rhinitis and was told by a specialist to take a Reactine every day. Ever since I started i noticed weight gain and pants fitting tighter and belly bulge and i was so discouraged because i had actually been eating better and working out a lot more and I have been 115lbs my whole life and suddenly im 130 within 2-3 months (on a small frame, this is a huge issue for me). So glad im not going crazy!!