When did you start seeing visible results?

I know it takes time & a large amount of effort & i'm not expecting any miracles. I've disabled my scale for now so that I can't get discouraged by the number & I don't plan on reviving it until I can actually SEE a difference. I know results vary from person to person & I also know that I have a fair amount to lose (100-110lbs). I've been doing really good with making sure I work out every day & watching while I eat without completely depriving myself & causing major cravings or binges. I'm loving all the healthy food i'm discovering that I thought I would hate & genuinely enjoying exercising. I'm just curious as to when other people started actually seeing a difference in their bodies. So how long before the mirror started reflecting the changes you could feel?


  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I know that most people say they notice little changes after about a month or two. I noticed myself looking way slimmer after a month, but I'm about halfway through a much smaller goal than yours, so I'm not sure how my answer will apply to you. But I will say to take those progress photos at least a month apart (maybe two) so that your body has time to shrink down to your new true size :)
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    Mine was right around the 10lb mark. My belly didn't bulge through my shirts as much and my clothes fit better. (I even got to wear a pair of jeans that hadn't fit in almost a year!)