Runners (when not training)

I am about to run my second half marathon of the year and I am getting burnt out on distance. I am so ready to go back to running for fun. I might try a fall race as there is a very flat course here in TN in October. My question is when you are not training for a race how many miles do you log (estimate) per week? I am strength training with a personal trainer twice a week and seeing great results. In 6 weeks I had lost 9 lbs, 10 over all inches and 5% body fat. I want to keep running but I also just want to run and leave my Garmin at home! I think I am just caught in a rut.


  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52
    I dont 'train for races' I run because I like running and I tend to race very couple of weeks if I can, less in winter, sp I am probably not the best person to answer but I tend to run 20-30 miles a week however raising it more now I am over an injury last week I did 70+
  • sherintn
    sherintn Posts: 11 Member
    Good Lord... I assume you are an ultra marathoner? I do enjoy running or I wouldn't be doing it but I just get burnt out at the end before a race. Maybe one day long runs (10 plus) won't feel like such a chore. HA
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    This will be vastly different for everyone. I love to run distances - including half and full marathons. So every weekend I try to run between 13-17 miles on Saturday. Another 5 days a week I run between 3-6 miles every day depending on time. I elliptical/XT one day and lift 3x a week. So I guess I run on the low end 30 miles a week when I'm not training. The only time, however, that I normally run 3 miles is if I'm REALLY pressed for time or on lunch and it's too hot for me to go further and not get sweaty. But I do it because I absolutely love it.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    oh i defintly understand feeling burnt out on the training for distance..

    however im a person who like structure...i like to have a plan...

    so after my half this saturday im going to change it up and do a 5k training plan...this will focus more on the speed and hills and actually wont top a 8 mile long run..

    no particular goal just something different before i start a marathon plan.
  • sherintn
    sherintn Posts: 11 Member
    I have never gotten the bug for a full. I totally respect the training and dedication!!! This will be my third half in one year. I started running two years ago and have loved to hate every min of it. I like your idea of doing speed/hill work. Maybe I will try trail running this summer. I think I just need a new challenge!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I enjoy running because I like to run, not because I have to run. I'm 3 weeks out from a half and cannot wait until its done so I can take a break.
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    I'm in nearly the same place as you, but my half was on Sunday. This week will be just a couple of easy runs, then I want to get into a routine again. I'm planning on running a couple of shorter runs (3-4 miles) during the week with one of them including speedwork and a slower, longer run (6-10 miles) on the weekend, so about 16 - 20 miles per week. Some of the runs I will not wear a watch and will set my pace based on how I feel/perceived effort. I don't know how this will work, but the nice thing is I have no big race I'm training for so I can change it up if I want to. I may run some local races but I'll probably decide the day before the race. I will do another half this year, probably in September.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    What are your goals?

    My goal to get faster pretty much requires that I run. If your goal is overall fitness, there are more routes to achieve that than just running. If you want to lift heavy crap, then you gotta hit the weights. Just do something today that makes you better than you were the yesterday, and repeat it tomorrow.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I'm doing my second half next month and will back off my running at that point. It will be nicer outside so the bike will come out. I think I'll aim to run 3 times a week, 3 to 5 miles each run. Then I do strength training twice a week and will try to bike once or twice a week too. That will take me through the summer. I may do some 5Ks along the way, but won't do another half until probably next year. It's just a lot of time and dedication and I don't lose weight when I train for a half (yes, likely eating too much LOL).
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    What are your goals?

    My goal to get faster pretty much requires that I run. If your goal is overall fitness, there are more routes to achieve that than just running. If you want to lift heavy crap, then you gotta hit the weights. Just do something today that makes you better than you were the yesterday, and repeat it tomorrow.

    Yup. This.

    For reference, when I'm not training, I tend to maintain around 30 miles a week in 4 days running (one easy, one longer, one speedier, one hillier). I mix it up with more trails, or whatever seems fun (though trail running led to ultras, which is the opposite of 'not training' - its a slippery slope:laugh: ). With that I can generally jump into any race up to a half with 4 weeks notice or less. I increase my strength training in the off time.
  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52
    Yup. This.

    For reference, when I'm not training, I tend to maintain around 30 miles a week in 4 days running (one easy, one longer, one speedier, one hillier). I mix it up with more trails, or whatever seems fun (though trail running led to ultras, which is the opposite of 'not training' - its a slippery slope:laugh: ). With that I can generally jump into any race up to a half with 4 weeks notice or less. I increase my strength training in the off time.

    Same, fell runs led to ultras whoops.

    My ultras are more for the challenge so I dont specifically train for them the mileage I do is considered probably the low end of average. The guy who wins the half marathon you are entering will probably run around of 90-100miles a week even for 10k races the top guys run 80/90+
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I try and look for a race at least every other month from 10k to marathon - usually 10k races are the most common.

    I also do the 5k Parkrun near me. Check to see if you have one near you. These keep me competitive and motivated to try and beat PBs.

    Otherwise, I mix up my training from speed training to longer distances. I find that both compliment each other.
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I did my first half marathon 10 days ago and my next is in less than 3 weeks. I was talking to the running coach I work with and I am going to run 2-3 times a week for 4-6 miles and then every weekend that I can, run a long run-- if I have a lot of free time, i am going to do one week of 6 miles, one week of 8 miles and one week of 10 miles. But if it starts to get too hectic due to schedule, every other weekend i will do 10 miles and on the other week do between 6-8.

    Because I want to stay in half marathon shape for my one in the fall and then doing a full next year =)
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    I ran a half at the beginning of April, and afterwards I was on such a high that I was looking for more races to sign up for. But then my cooler head prevailed, so now I'm backing off my runs to be three or four days a week, shooting to get around 12-15 miles a week. That way, I can fit in some other kinds of workouts, like trying yoga, doing strength training, etc. Especially as I get close to my goal weight, I want to remember that running is just one part of being healthy and fit.
  • sherintn
    sherintn Posts: 11 Member
    My goal is absolutely overall fitness. I started with a trainer in February and have noticed that my usual running injuries (IT and hip flexor) are for the most part nonexistent since I have been strength training. I did legs Monday, ran 4 miles yesterday (tapering) and will do upper body today. Saturday we have 6 planned and then on to the race the following Saturday. I find that it get's harder to put in the mileage over the summer with a little one so I will diversify. HA Thanks for the advice all!