Machine help - knee flexion/extension?

Hi folks! So originally (eons ago) I was told not to do these because I had problems with patellar tracking and supposedly these machines would aggravate that. I also have a bit of "crunching" in there, so I'm probably starting a bit of arthritis. No big-league pain. However, I see folks on them all the time.

I lift three days a week - 2 days upper body and 1 day lower. It doesn't feel like I'm doing enough and while I feel a bit stronger in the legs, it doesn't feel like I have an even workout.

My leg series is as follows:

Abductor/adductor machine 3 sets of 12 @ 60-70 lbs.
Leg press - 3 sets of 12 @ 140-150 lbs.
3 sets of squats holding 15 lbs of free weights each hand ~~~ trying to get trainer to teach me the Smith (?) machine for squats because I think this will be better for me.

My cardio is 30-45 minutes on the elliptical (varying intensities) ~~ on the days when I'm not at the gym, I do cardio at home - kickboxing or dancing.

For those with knee problems especially, have you had any problems with the knee flexion and extension machines? Should I just do 2 cycles of the legs and call it a day?

Thanks for the advice :flowerforyou:


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I'm not seeing the point of using so many isolation machines.. or of wanting to do smith machine squats.. or of doing upper body twice as often as lower. What is your overall goal?
  • getdancing2013
    getdancing2013 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm not seeing the point of using so many isolation machines.. or of wanting to do smith machine squats.. or of doing upper body twice as often as lower. What is your overall goal?

    The trainer split my upper body into 2 days because with a history of 3 rotator cuff tears he figured it would be better to split it up and lessen the risk of a major injury. I would like to try the Smith machine to replace the current squats that I'm doing with the free weights because right now gripping the free weights hurts more in my hand (hand problems) than I think balancing the bar on my shoulders would.

    My overall goal is just to lose weight and get overall stronger, and while I'm feeling stronger and seeing progress with the amount of weights I'm lifting with my upper body, the progress seems to be slower on my lower body.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I would include barbell squats (back squats) and barbell split squats ("stationary lunge"). Then you can eliminate the leg curl/extension/adductor/abductor machines and the smith squat, all of which are ergonomically incorrect and not as functional as freeweights.

    I'd keep the dumbbell squats, and also add deadlifts, since they're excellent exercises. What are your hand issues?
  • getdancing2013
    getdancing2013 Posts: 72 Member
    I would include barbell squats (back squats) and barbell split squats ("stationary lunge"). Then you can eliminate the leg curl/extension/adductor/abductor machines and the smith squat, all of which are ergonomically incorrect and not as functional as freeweights.

    I'd keep the dumbbell squats, and also add deadlifts, since they're excellent exercises. What are your hand issues?

    I'm a typist, so I spend a lot of time speed typing. I probably have a bit of carpal tunnel starting up, but independent of that, for some reason when I hold my weights down to the side my hands start to cramp up by the middle of the 2nd set. This doesn't seem to happen when I do weights and use other muscles to lift the weights, but when they hang freely it seems the pressure is all in my hands.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look those up for examples - I'm not that experienced but I want to get better at it.
  • Aggeon
    Aggeon Posts: 9 Member
    With machine exercises for knee extension, make sure it's not one that places a bar over your quads as that will prevent your thighs from assisting the extension and place too much stress on the joint.

    As for the 'crunching', that could be some hardened fascia (connective tissue) that can result from lack of water/flexibility/stretching. I'd suggest stretching after exercises and regular massages. :smile: