HELP! Really not sure about this...

rorlie Posts: 36 Member
So, I just switched to MFP from doing WW for so very long. I have been successful and so far lost 30 lbs on WW but do not want o continue paying for it when I really do know the whole program. I am just struggling going to MFP and having to count calories for every single thing when I didn't have to do that for veggies, a couple of fruits, condiments, etc on WW. I was given 1330 calories on MFP with the auto calculation but with all these extra things I have to count just don't think I can keep to that calorie count without starving or feeling deprived.

Any advice would really really be appreciated. I don't want this to stress me out and have to go back to WW. Thanks so much for your help!


  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    How much weight are you trying to lose per week? You could try picking a slower rate of weight loss and that will give you more calories. So will exercising if you eat back your exercise calories.

    Fill up on foods that have lots of fiber. Lots of veggies, whole fruits, etc. and good protein at each meal. That helps keep you full longer. And give it a try... if you've been losing weight, you've been eating less calories. 1330 may not be as little as it sounds, you may have been sticking to it already! Most of the veggies and stuff you'll be counting now have very few calories in the first place. They won't dramatically change your calories for the day.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Its 1330, plus exercise calories. Plan to eat at least some of your exercise calories, and that will open up your range a bit.

    I generally aim for 1400-1600 calories per day and it works well for me. I also allow a higher day (perhaps 2-3 times per month). Not a crazy, pig-out kind of day - but a 'normal' day where I aim for a maintenance range so an extra 500 or so calories. I think this is good for a few reasons... Avoids feeling like my routine is too routine. Occasional hiccups are good for the metabolism. And while I don't outlaw any food (portion control & moderation) there are things I choose not to have often, so can fit more in on a higher calorie day. And besides the idea is to lose the weight, but still be an active person, and eventually need to live at maintenance. Occasional practice can't hurt.

    I've lost ~25 since Christmas and have another 10-15 to go.
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    You will soon get used to counting calories and it will become easier. I think it takes me about 5-10 mins each day depending on what I'm cooking. The foods also get logged so you can refer back to them to make life easier.
    Think of it this way. When I did WW a few(!) years ago it cost £5 per week, consider that v 5 mins per day logging, I know which I'd rather do.
    Good luck with your healthy lifestyle.
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    i also did weight watchers back when (lost about 65 lbs in 2008 with it) but this does work too! just as well, if not more so!
  • Like with WW, the key is accountability, and keeping track of everything you are eating. The calories matter, but not as much as you being aware and realistic about every single thing you are putting into your mouth and every activity you are doing. There is a huge database of food, and you can scan bar codes too, so it's actually pretty easy. If you have a certain foods for specific meals ( i.e breakfast), consider making it a "recipe" and then you just click on that every time. Also, certain exercise apps can sync right to MFP, (runtastic pedometer or bike pro, for example). It gets easier, so stick with it!:smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    How much weight are you trying to lose per week? You could try picking a slower rate of weight loss and that will give you more calories. So will exercising if you eat back your exercise calories.

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    To reduce your frustration with the shift make use of the meal/recipe options. If there is a meal you eat often, save it as a meal. Same with recipes. This would reduce the logging to a couple of clicks per meal and you would only need to fully log the new stuff.

    As for the range, give more time to physical activity. If you log even half a 300 calorie workout that's a 1500 calorie day right there. Alternatively you could switch to a 1 pound per week plan giving you even more leeway.
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member
    You have been doing this for a while on WW and you lost 30 lbs btw Congrats! My point is don't let the number mess your mind up!! Eat same way you ate on WW but the benefit here you can see what you've been eating! I have friends who don't count veggies an some fruits! But they count everything else!

    Here you have wonderful tools for free! Use them they way you've learned and get the benefits from them!
    I'm here to help if you need anything!

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • rorlie
    rorlie Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the help and encouragement....I did set it to losing just 1 lb per week so not too aggressive but I am sure in time I will get use to it and will use some of these helpful tips to keep me going. Thanks again, Rose
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    hi, i changed from WW and i have to say i love MFP. i feel like i can eat MORE FOOD. example is a banana maybe free on WW but on MFP you dont have to just eat a banana because you have no points left you can have say 2 rivitas instead. i chose to use the TDEE method type in your details -20% off that. im allowed 1700cals using this method you dont eat no exercise calories i find this less messing around. what i do is eat 1700 most days on a Saturday i eat 2100 and then i chose a day when im not working out to eat 400 less to compensate. once you get use to eating this way you will prefer it much more. X
  • Viggyfuss
    Viggyfuss Posts: 20 Member
    im fairly new to MFP but have been eating healthy for a little longer... a couple things to consider
    1. you set your calories per your body and activity and wt loss goals
    2. your activity and exercise gives you additional calories (that, im finding, alot of people "eat back") i usually dont bc to me i feel thats more for a maintenence mode rather than weight loss but i have occ eaten a little over my original 'budgeted allowance" and i dont feel guilty bc ive been active
    3, you kind of have to get used to the way things are calculated. im told you can set it differently but i havent yet. for example i am almost always going very close if not a little over my "sugar" calories. however i dont eat or add refined sugar. i DO eat a fruit and/or veg with each meal but MFP just calculates "sugar" ... i guess its the same as good carb/bad carb thing and i just need to keep that in mind as im doing my food log.
    4. theres ALOT of support on here.... use it :)

    ....just my little tid bit lol... hope it helps...
    oh yea... almost forgot.. as far as time for logging everything... MFP saves your recent foods and you can add "my meals" so all you need to do is go back in and click on something and add it to your day...
    ok thats all :)

    (edited bc i forgot to add the last part, duh)
  • rorlie
    rorlie Posts: 36 Member
    Okay, so question I assume TDEE is different from what MFP sets as your calorie count when you put in your weight, activity level and pounds per week you want to lose, is this correct? How do I calculate my TDEE and is this better than what MFP gives me? I have never eaten my exercise points/calories when I was on WW so that is not a big deal for me but I did use to eat extra on weekends and used my weekly extra points. Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the continued support......I am just trying to figure out what will work best for me as I go through this all. Thanks agaiN!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    TDEE is not necessarily better than the MFP calculations, and it should be very similar to MFP when you eat back your exercise calories (MFP is designed so that you do eat them back). WW has all sorts of tricks and things like extra points and not counting veggies/fruit because their points put you at a pretty low calorie goal (especially if you eat "bad" foods that have high point values relative to their caloric content).

    I would suggest reading this as it does a very good job of laying out the basics of using MFP and creating eating habits that you can sustain through the rest of your loss:
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Okay, so question I assume TDEE is different from what MFP sets as your calorie count when you put in your weight, activity level and pounds per week you want to lose, is this correct? How do I calculate my TDEE and is this better than what MFP gives me? I have never eaten my exercise points/calories when I was on WW so that is not a big deal for me but I did use to eat extra on weekends and used my weekly extra points. Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the continued support......I am just trying to figure out what will work best for me as I go through this all. Thanks agaiN!

    In the end the TDEE is very close to the base calories + exercise calories that MFP gives you. I use the TDEE -% number because I don't want to have to think about my exercise calories.
  • hbwright74
    hbwright74 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm a former WW lifetimer and loved it. Lost 55 pounds like it was nothing, but I did cardio only, no strengthening, and paid no attention to my macros. No wonder it all came back, minus about 3 pounds before I said this is enough. What I like about MFP as opposed to WW is that I'm tracking far more than just points (calories). I'm also tracking fat, carbs, and protein, which I've never paid attention to before. At that rate I would have no muscle left. I was consuming virtually no protein, maybe 20-30 grams on my good days. Now, I pay more attention to the macros than I do the calories. The weight loss is slower because I'm transforming more than I'm losing, but this is so much more sustainable then my restricted calorie, high cardio loss diet. I'm building muscle, increasing my protein x3-4 what I used to eat, and I'm losing fat. The muscle will help me maintain my fat loss more long-term. Plus, it's free. I don't have to worry about gaining 2 pounds and having to pay. If I gain, I gain, no biggy, I lose it back. Maybe I can put that $ I'm saving into a reward fund.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    My daily calorie goals are about the same as yours, although I just found out I'm an inch shorter than I thought I was so I reset my goals this morning, which resulted in a loss of 20 calories per day. I'll have to "work" (exercise) for those extra calories now.

    Anyway, you are welcome to look at my diary. I eat normal foods, btw, including condiments, etc. It has been no problem staying within my calorie allowance and I've been losing about a pound a week.

    I wonder if you have a lot less to lose than I do, because I'm much older than you and therefore your calorie goals should be higher, I think.
  • rorlie
    rorlie Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks again for even more great input. I have about 25 lbs to lose, it should be more but I have found out in the past that if I go lower than a certain weight I start getting sick and not feeling great. My body seems to work better at a higher weight than what the "normal range" is for my age and height. I really do eat pretty healthy when on track, even with WW I hardly ever counted points for "bad" food unless it was wine :) or my splurge day on the weekend. Overall, I focus on lots of lean protein, lots of veggies, a couple of fruits a day, some lf or ff dairy and some whole grain carbs but not every day. Thanks for the link, I will definitely read it and other things on here. I am sure there is great information, I just need to keep trying and do what will work best for me based on my progress. Great to have so much input from you all!
  • ladybaby6
    ladybaby6 Posts: 6 Member
    I just joined back today and I am just like you. I am not looking at the numbers, I'm just eating as I did on WW. I find that here, I like the fact I am now keeping track of the sodium and sugar. I think this will hold me more accountable instead of eating anything I want and looking at how many points I eat. Wine and red meat were taking over...LOL. I like the fact that you can have calories burned for calorie reissued back into your daily intake..(ex. I burned 100 cal. now if I want, I can add them back today).