I still feel hungry!

demibugg Posts: 19 Member
I just JUST (as in yesterday) started eating well again after over a year of eating nothing but garbage. I've done tons and tons of info gathering and I'm fairly sure that I'm eating big enough meals, but even after three square meals and snacks in between I still feel hungry!

At first I figured maybe I wasn't eating enough fiber/protein, so I had fish last night and tons of spinach today, but I still feel like I need more.

I have a feeling that I'm so used to inhaling everything that it's made me feel like I'm hungry until I make myself sick, if that makes sense?

Anyway, I was just wondering if that's the case and I need to wait it out, or if there's something else I can/should do? Have a look at my food diary for the last two days if you like, although it says I'm under my calorie goal it's closer than it looks, I munched on more than a few handfuls of trail mix that would probably put me over if I logged it.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    More fruits & veggies. Some with each meal, or more as snacks. Try to hit your goal +/- 50 calories. Your goal should have a calorie deficit built in, so don't feel like you need to come in way under. Weigh & log the trail mix. :)

    Seriously though, if today is day 2 then consider you're adjusting. Drink plenty of water, and have an extra snack if you're still hungry. It may take a little time to get used to eating less.

    It also might take some trial & error to find out what satisfies you. Some eat a big breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner. Others will swear by eating the biggest meal in the evening. I tend to eat breakfast by grazing over a few hours. A 1 oz cheese snack as I drive in to work, a small breakfast pita sandwich when I get to the office. Some fruit an hour later.

    Good luck. :)
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Ps-that was based on yesterday. I see more f/v today. Also saw spinach juice yesterday. Personally I don't feel full on juice, or like I've eaten at all. If I have juice I look for low calorie so I can get in solid food also. I tend to go for low cal/no cal drinks for that reason. You might not be the same, but something to think about just in case.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    drink water before each meal.. lean proteins and lots of fruits and veggies!! If you were stretching yourself beyond capacity there is more of an area to fill.. fill that with useful (body fuel) things until your stomach begins to shrink back down... i on average drink a bottle of water before each meal and about 14-16 cups a day.
  • demibugg
    demibugg Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for checking! I won't be so strict on myself, and I guess I'll try to remember that slow changes are what sticks. :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Your calorie goal is pretty low. I'd be gnawing my arm off eating that amount.

    Recalculate your goals to lose 0.5 or 1lb per week and you should have a more sustainable calorie goal that doesnt leave you hungry.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    The first few days are always the hardest. By my 3rd day I was sooo grumpy. The 4th, 5th was easier. Now day 9 I am used to it and have been snacking on lots of fruit to get me through my cravings. Grapes and blackberries are my choices this week :)

    Good luck finding your comfortable calorie #!
  • demibugg
    demibugg Posts: 19 Member
    Your calorie goal is pretty low. I'd be gnawing my arm off eating that amount.

    Recalculate your goals to lose 0.5 or 1lb per week and you should have a more sustainable calorie goal that doesnt leave you hungry.
    The first few days are always the hardest. By my 3rd day I was sooo grumpy. The 4th, 5th was easier. Now day 9 I am used to it and have been snacking on lots of fruit to get me through my cravings. Grapes and blackberries are my choices this week :)

    Good luck finding your comfortable calorie #!

    I will change my calorie intake to 1.5 lbs/week and give that a week and see how I feel. Thank you guys so much!
  • jodylf54
    jodylf54 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't blame you, I would be hungry if I ate what you are eating. I keep my calories at 1200 and get much more food than you get. I
    try to eat lotsof veggies and fruit at every meal, and some protein. I also have been having a cup of hot tea (herbal and fruit) after meals to help fill up the corners in the tummy
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 639 Member
    You're used to feeling full stuffing yourself silly, you have to get used to your new normal of just fueling your body with just what it needs.