greetings, all!

pshimandle Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
just joined - a dear friend invited me, after we discovered common weight-loss ground... lost my wife to cancer about a year 1/2 ago, and sort of stopped eating while caregiving. have lost 120 lbs. or so, and intend to keep going and keep it off, if possible! laura (that friend!) suggested the simple-but-realistic tools here could really help.,, the "plan" shown to me sure looks easy enough! seems to be as simple as paying attention to what, and how much of it, you're eating. of course, i'm gonna HAVE to take getting some *shudder* EXERCISE, but i'm working my way towards that... (HATE exercise like a cat hates water!)


  • kms77
    kms77 Posts: 2
    Hi all
    I'm new though I have taken a little while to introduce myself. I've just started to loose weigh and so far I'm doing ok, but I do have a long way to go and I really hope by joining this site it will help me in my effort to get to my goal weight. I am trying to loose weight after having a baby 18mths ago, I did have post natal depression which contributed to even more weight gain due to comfort eating but now I'm in the right head space to start to get back into shape. I haven't exercised since before falling pregnant so that has been the hardest thing so far but I hope to be running by the end, right now it's a struggle just to walk; I'm hoping to feel that sense of accomplishment when I can finally run for 30mins instead of puffing around the track after 15mins. My daughter is too young to understand but I really want to be a mum that can play with her child and thinking about what would happen if I don't loose weight makes me sad, I have a beautiful man that loves me and I don't want to be an embarrassment to my family any more.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    First, my condolences on your loss. Second, glad to hear you intend to continue the weight loss aspect. A friend recommended this site to me and I have found it to be a great help. It is a well based plan. Watch your calorie intake and get as much exercise as you can. Even a nice walk is good for you. Plus the friends you gain along the way are wonderful. Someone is always around to help motivate you, keep you focused and listen to all about your "horrible" day. So kudos to your friend and to you too for joining us here.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    And for kms77 . Congrats on the baby and glad to hear you are feeling better. As I said earlier This is a very helpful site. Just day at a time.....I'm fairly new here myself. Joined almost a month ago now. Always room for more friends.
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