trick me into thinking I enjoy working out ;p

Hey, I just joined today and would so love some friends to help me stay motivated.

I'm 39, female, kiwi living in Louisiana. 4 kids and a buff man who keeps telling me he likes me with a big butt, sweet but so not helpful to stop me eating cake and other assorted bad stuff honey! I used to be 5.2 or that's what I told everybody for years but upon actually measuring myself ( short people hate to be measured, this one does anyways) I discovered I'm actually 5ft and even fatter than I thought! *sad face*
I despise exercising, love creamy desserts and drinking jack daniels and coke and totally wish I was one of those omg i love to work out people. I lost a bunch of weight last year walking and doing JM 30ds ( I swear and call her some very bad names while doing that) then put it all back on again plus some. So now I'm at 142 and looking to get to 120. I aim to get fitter, look better, give up smoking and keep up with my man who works out all the bloody time.
I love tattoos ( Nate's a tattooist) , MMA, reading, punk/alternative/metal/classic rock loud, dancing like no ones watching and drinking too much when i go out.

So if you are kinda in the same boat lets be friends and help motivate each other.


  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome! MFP is a great place to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Making friends on here is a really good way to keep you accountable and motivated it will also give you ideas on what is working for others. With working out you need to find something that you like to do. I am still on my journey on enjoy supporting fellow MFP friends. I have sent you a friend request. Anyone feel free to add me!