Lose 10 pounds in a month

Is losing 10-15 in a month realistic? I started in the beginning of April and have already lost 6 pounds in a week. My original goal was to lose 10 pounds within a month by drinking water, putting flax seeds in my diet, putting more fiber in my system, drinking coconut water, eating more fruits and veggies, eating more protein like turkey, chicken or beans, plus working out everyday. I normally work out 5 days a week but now I do 6 days. Anything else I can do?


  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Honestly you should be losing no more than 2 pounds a week.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    Part of me thinks that 6 pounds was water weight but you can't lose that much from water right?
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I lost 3 lbs of water weight in ONE day. Yep, you sure can especially after your period. Go slow and steady! Btw, you don't really look like you need to lose weight by checking out your picture. Too little weight is just as bad, if not worse, than too much!
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    Why does it have to be in just one month? That 6 pounds was most likely water weight.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I log what I eat everyday and only eat when im hungry. I don't like eating to the point of where I am over full. My diary is open and i just barely bought a HRM to help me monitor the classes I teach and go too.
  • Gamer_2k4
    Gamer_2k4 Posts: 36 Member
    Part of me thinks that 6 pounds was water weight but you can't lose that much from water right?
    You totally can. Professional fighters and boxers cut up to 20 pounds of water weight (sometimes more!) before they weigh in, then regain it all the next day.

    Food and drink are heavy. Your weight can fluctuate like crazy from a big meal, a big workout, or just using the bathroom. All of that is food and water weight, and is not actually fat gained or lost.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Your diary isnt open.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    Oh if it helps im like 4'10"
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Looking back over the last few days, you're eating far far far too little. 600 calories in a day? You know how much energy zumba uses. Food is fuel and zumba needs fuel! Heck, I do it once a week and I eat a hearty lunch (more than you eat in some days) right after because it drains me.
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    Most pounds are mostly water anyway. I think the first 10 pounds go pretty fast and your loss-rate will decrease. I agree 1-2 pounds/week is realistic - 3500 calories per pound and tight logging seems to work.

    If that is your current picture, it doesn't appear that you have 10 pounds to lose.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    If your diary is accurate you are definitely not eating enough.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I teach Zumba 3 days a week and take classes twice a week. Like i said before, i Do not over eat. I eat till i am full and comfortable.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    Well your body needs fuel when you workout and if you are working out at least 1200 calories, you aren't even hitting that....
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I usually eat an apple, avocado, eggs, and drink a bottle of water before I work out. I can't work out on an empty stomach plus water gives me fuel.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    Water is not fuel, just sayin. Even if you eat before you work out, your body needs at least 1200 calories per day, more if you workout, again, you aren't even hitting 1200 and you workout 5 days a week.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I teach Zumba 3 days a week and take classes twice a week. Like i said before, i Do not over eat. I eat till i am full and comfortable.

    1200 calories is the bare minimum recommended for a sedentary woman. This has less to do with weight loss and more to do with making sure you're getting enough nutrients into your diet. It's harder to get enough protein and fat as well as the various vitamins and minerals your body needs if you're eating at such a low calorie level.

    Of course, you're below the average height, but not by so much that you can get away with half of that.

    Remember that hunger isn't the only indicator of whether or not you're eating enough. The hormones that control our hunger cues can be suppressed by too many things, including exercise and prolonged undereating. You also need to watch your mood, focus, energy levels, gym performance, as well as things like healthy skin and nails.

    You can boost your calories without adding a lot more food by incorporating more calorie dense foods into your diet. Nuts, peanut butter, full fat dairy, cheese, Greek yogurt, sour cream, avocado, full calorie dressings and sauces, olive oil, butter, coconut oil, dark chocolate, ice cream, fruit juice, protein shakes and smoothies, granola, whole eggs, etc. It should be fairly easy to boost each meal by a few hundred calories.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    You are eating way too little. One day was just over 500 calories. How does water give you fuel?
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    It makes me hydrated so I can perform better. I don't get headaches or dizzy during my classes I teach.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Keeping you hydrated is not the same as giving you fuel.