Feeling hungry headed into dinner...



  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I suggest you buy some beef jerky. Jack's Links brand is what I've been eating lately and you get a LOT for your calorie amount. I think it makes a great snack.

    Maybe a peanut butter sandwich just before you leave work or right after you get home. There are some high fiber breads at about 65 cal a slice that paired with a tablespoon (or more) of peanut butter will help fill you up. My diary has more ideas. I like snacks and my daily calorie goal is much lower than yours so you should be able to fit some stuff in.
  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you all for the advice. I have some good ideas now. I think I also need to start looking at front loading my diet towards the morning and learning how to not snack as much at night.
  • ehample
    ehample Posts: 19
    Thank you all for the tips. In the morning I have been PLANNING to drink a protein shake with frozen berries, chia, etc.... I just haven't been able to wake myself up early enough to make it so I grab a granola bar and a Greek yogurt and run out the door.

    Make it the night before?

    Does it keep well?
    Mine has.
  • ehample
    ehample Posts: 19
    It sounds like you are having the same problem I had when I started my diet, stomach is shrinking and it hurts. The thing that helped me the most is pre packaging my foods the night before. I use a zip lock container to package food in, I already know how many calories are in the bowl as well as any snacks I take. I have the luxury in my trade to be able to eat pretty well when I want to. I eat a little bit of what I pack several times a day, up to six or eight times which keeps me from feeling hungry. This has helped to shrink my stomach as well so I don't require much food to feel full. Down side is you really get used to eating often and miss the food if you don't get it. Plus side is it helps to accelerate your metabolism as well. Hope it helps.
  • picklesroofus
    picklesroofus Posts: 68 Member
    I eat my lunch and when I walk in the door at 7 pm I am famished.. before I cook my dinner I have a glass of 1 % milk or a shake made with milk, ice, and fruit. It takes the edge off and the milk digests slowly (like a solid actually.. I study this as a part of my job tehehe). So the slow gastric emptying helps to calm me down for the 30 - 40 mins I make dinner and settle in..also keeps me from eating two portions of dinner (critical since that second portion is supposed to be often next days lunch... )