Aiming to lose 1 stone in three months

Hi guys, i'm new to posting on the message boards but wondered if you guys could help me out with something. My names Lauren, and i'm 21. I've lost just over a stone in the past year, I lost the stone in one month but i've just been maintaining my weight for the rest of the year. I have 1 stone to go before i'm at my ideal body weight! However, I've started up my healthy eating, and exercise plan, it's been two weeks now and I haven't lost anything. I mean not even 1 pound, and i've been working so hard! I've been doing the biggest loser cardio max everyday which is around 50 minutes long. and my eating plan is something like this....(I do have to eat late, 8pm sometimes as that is when i get home from work!)
Breakfast : Weetabix with soya milk and a small sprinkle of sugar (300)
Lunch : wholemeal bread with quorn peices and a dairlea dunker (450)
Dinner : Some quorn product with either brown rice or boiled potato (500)
I drink 2 small bottles of water a day. (my work doesn't actually have any kind of staff room so any more and i'll be running 10 minutes to the toilet every hour haha!)

And after working out 14 days, 1 hour cardio each day and feeling no difference in my body, or seeing no results on the scales or when looking in the mirror, I really don't know what to do! It seems i'm at a stand still! I'd appreciate any advice you could give me!
Thanks all!!!
