Do you count cleaning?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I count it when I do heavy housecleaning. Our house has 3 floors (4 counting basement where the laundry is) so if I am doing a major clean yes... that is a heck of a lot of steps to be running up and down. Same thing when we were cleaning out the garage or basement with all the lifting and carrying. My rule of thumb: day to day clean is part of your daily activity level.... if I am hustle bustle with breaking sweat... it's a counter.

    We do yoga at work twice a week, so I wear my HRM for it. We do the yoga in the basement and I work on the third floor (VERY steep stairs).

    I decided to see how many calories I burned going up those stairs from the basement to the third floor and then down the hall to my office. My HR was at 85% by the time I reached the second floor. I burned a total of 7 calories.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I give the house a good scrub about twice a month. I start when I get home from work and clean for 2-3 hours over two evenings. I totally count this. I actually skip the gym both nights and go to bed EXHAUSTED.

    SW: 230 (01/10)
    Height: 5'4"
    CW: 150.2
    GW: 135
  • DigitalRain
    Yep, when I have to do vigorous house cleaning, I claim those calories too. Lawn mowing, washing the car, you best believe I"m claiming those calories :laugh:

    I have no shame when it comes to logging exercise. If it seems like I'm going to be working hard, no matter what I'm doing, I wear my HRM.