What can I use to make foods flavorful? (low Sodium intake)



  • Merlin813
    Merlin813 Posts: 21 Member
    Mrs. Dash is a pretty versatile salt substitute...
  • HaelaBaer
    HaelaBaer Posts: 44
    Here's a good link: http://nkdep.nih.gov/resources/nutrition-sodium.shtml

    Fresh foods, like veggies and fruits are pretty good for keeping sodium levels down. But cut down on sodium gradually. Going cold turkey will make his taste buds revolt! Most companies try to make a salt free version of many foods, but for canned items like beans and vegetables, rinse them first.

    Unfortunately you have a low budget and no work, but you have free time to try new lower sodium recipes! And a walk won't hurt, so enjoy it! Stay hydrated with water flavored with citrus and mint leaves..those are great!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I hate that everything has so much sodium! My fiance needs to have a lower sodium diet do to his weight and health issues. We have a very low budget (Low budget as in recently laid off and job hunting and living with family for the time being) and he is very picky if something isn't flavorful enough.

    Also he is rather stubborn with water (which I believe is needed to helps sodium levels?). He hates the taste of it and will only drink about six cups tops on a good day (most days are 0 - 3). When it comes to food there isn't much that he doesn't like, it just needs to be flavorful (though what he dubs flavorful tends to be loaded with sodium (Like eating a whole box of Velveeta mac n cheese)).

    Anyways what I'm looking for is healthy low sodium dressings, sauces, spice combinations, and other combinations of food that are "flavorful" (and affordable).

    Also does exercising help sodium levels? We just started taking hour walks, however other than the activity level is rather low.

    You can get a kilo of MSG at asian markets for a few bucks, will last for a very long time

    This. A pinch makes everything taste better and you can cut the salt you typically add by half
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    Put herbs and spices in your food! You don't need salt. Just remember when you heat up herbs and such the oils are released making them much more flavorful. I make crusted chicken with some finely crushed salt-free saltine crackers, a little cheese (low sodium Parmesan cheese or any low-s cheese) and some favorite spices. Dip the chicken in egg, then dip in cheese/cracker/herb mix. Repeat with the same piece of chicken. Cook in some olive oil. yum! You can get very low cost herbs and olive oil and crackers even at the dollar store.

    You can also make this recipe with Bisquick instead of saltines; Makes fluffy chicken strips. Spray the breaded chicken liberally with some spray butter and cook in the oven on a greased pan.
  • KRG72
    KRG72 Posts: 9
    I use Mrs. Dash there is a good Variety of different blends, they are all Salt-Free. Some of my Favorites are the Table Blend, Original Blend and the Grilling Blends for Steak and Hamburger, I have them in my cabnet all the time.
  • rompydompy
    rompydompy Posts: 54 Member
    give sea salt a try-- less of it goes a lot further in flavoring dishes, so when you absolutely MUST have some salt, it's the lesser of the evils :)